02.09.2010 12:48 PM

Ezra Levant’s Troubles with the Law Society

Ezra Levant – who regards himself as a warrior in the cause of free speech, and who in fact refers to the many lawsuits he is facing as “lawfare” – has sent me a legal threat.

The threat relates to two links to National Post stories which I posted (here and here) – stories about Ezra and the issue of his conduct, as reviewed by the Law Society of Alberta. In the headlines to both postings, I used the term “guilty.”

Ezra, free speech warrior that he is, has complained about my use of that term through his lawyers.

Here are the facts:

1. The Alberta Law Society found that Ezra Levant had violated many rules of professional conduct.
2. Ezra Levant was ordered to meet with a senior member of the bar to learn how to better behave himself.
3. Once Ezra Levant did so, the complaint was technically dismissed.

I apologize, profusely, to Ezra for using the word “guilty.” He was in fact found to have violated the rules of professional conduct. But without “guilt.”

I truly hope that makes him feel better.

1 Comment

  1. Aditya Rao says:

    I’ve admired Ezra Levant’s resolve to take on the crusade to preserve free speech. I confess, however, that I also deplore his hypocrisy in this regard. This is not the first time he has established that he only defends free speech when it serves him. He defended the refusal of entry of RESPECT MP George Galloway and condoned the silencing of this five time MP, while at the same time defended his own right to re-publish Mohammed cartoons, and most recently the speaking tour of Ann Coulter.

    While I support Mr. Levant’s right to publish any cartoon he wishes, and bring any speaker he wishes to tour this country, I wish that he would extend the same respect to those he disagrees with.

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