Musings —03.07.2010 06:01 PM
—Welcome to the New
…which should closely resemble the old Actually, it’s identical.
There are some differences, I guess. For example, if you look for old, old entries, we’ve whacked all of those. Buh-bye. Some, like Stockwell Day and the dinosaurs, were positively ancient. They may be out there in the Internet ether on Google or something, but I rather doubt they have much value.
The comments section is, certainly, different. It’s better than that old external platform, I think, and I hope you will try it out (just remember I’m a hardass about republishing other people’s libels).
Anyway, here it is. In the next few weeks, we plan to tweak the design stuff, and so on. It’ll be fun.
In the meantime, and for no discernible reason whatsoever, here’s a still from a Janet Jackson video from about two decades ago. Heh.
This will change my life forever. Just kidding.
I love WordPress – I run around a dozen sites on it.
Hope it works out for you.
Much improved.
I love Janet Jackson.
Glad to see you’re starting the new look Website on the right foot … well, okay, not foot … whatever.
Warren, FYI, your RSS feed seems to be out of commission since the site upgrade. The last headline that currently appears is “Power Play March 5: Powers’ Pity Party.” Hope your tech guys get it going again, it is very handy.
Looks like the RSS feed is now back and working again. Cheers!
The RSS feed is not showing the full content of the posts – would that be possible?
I think you will appreciate the power that WordPress gives your site. Hopefully it works well for you. I dig the new comment system as well. Haloscan was good for a while but it’s time had past.