Musings —06.08.2010 08:10 AM
—Power and Politics, June 7: coalition chatter
Rosie and Anne attempt to ignore strange person watching them through window.
Linkage here, at about 1:13 mark.
Musings —06.08.2010 08:10 AM
—Rosie and Anne attempt to ignore strange person watching them through window.
Linkage here, at about 1:13 mark.
Does anybody in the Liberal caucus pay any attention to Scott Reid anymore? Just wondering. Isn’t he somewhat like the Ezra Levant of the Liberals?
You just made me laugh so hard I shot half a bagel through my nose.
The Globe and Mail pays attention to Scott Reid. You know, the only national newspaper we have. Interesting, that.
When are the nuptials, Mr. Maruca?
“shot half a bagel through my nose” – does that happen on a regular basis? (Not to mention that window stuff…)
Please, please, please – let’s not go back to the infighting. It hurts the party.
Tony Clement explains the summit expenditures when pressed by the interviewer, about 1:07.00 into the program. I had to laugh at the RAPID eye blinking by the Minister.
Fellow Canadians,”What’s in YOUR wallet?”
(hint, first name begins with a ‘T’)