06.01.2010 10:04 AM

The legacy of Brian Mulroney

  • William Johnson, Ottawa Citizen: “A coherent image emerges of Mulroney as a leader of Canada who chose to wallow in sleaze. But no coherent scenario can be discerned to explain all the strange events, documents, testimonies and lies.”
  • The Globe and Mail: “THE INAPPROPRIATE LEGACY OF BRIAN MULRONEY…It is now a matter of record that he acted inappropriately in many ways. And in the end, what was it all for?…Judge Oliphant also urges ethics training for public office holders, but the dishonour Mr. Mulroney has done himself may be lesson enough. A former prime minister took cash-stuffed envelopes while he was an MP and in private life soon afterwards. Even to Judge Oliphant, it is unclear why, except that he knew it was inappropriate.”
  • The Times-Colonist: “MULRONEY’S POLITICAL TAINT…The first casualty of the Oliphant inquiry is Brian Mulroney. His reputation, already tarnished, is severely damaged by the report on his relationship with German businessman-felon Karlheinz Schreiber.  The greater damage has been inflicted on all politicians as images of cronyism, privilege, dishonesty and cash-filled envelopes are burned into the public’s mind… This has been a sordid, disheartening spectacle.”
  • Edmonton Journal: “And so ends Brian Mulroney’s bid to haul his reputation out of the mud of tawdry business dealings at the close of his political career. What a sad coda to his nine years as Canada’s 18th prime minister…What should Canadians conclude? Clearly, that we have a right to expect better of our politicians.”
  • Hubert Bauch, Montreal Gazette: “[Oliphant] judged that Mulroney’s transactions with Schreiber violated just about every principle of how honest folk do business and that in effect – though again he doesn’t use the word – Mulroney gave deceitful testimony in a court case about his relationship with Schreiber…Mulroney’s line is that he wasn’t asked the right questions [in his libel action] by government lawyers, and that had he been he would have told all. In uncouched terms, Oliphant called that “patently absurd.”
  • London Free Press: “MISTAKES WILL OVERSHADOW ALL ELSE IN MULRONEY LEGACY…the mistakes Mulroney has admitted will forever be how Canadians remember him — rather than for his leadership, two massive majority governments, efforts at national unity, free trade, environmental initiatives and other significant contributions. In fact, Mulroney’s legacy will be one that stoked the flames of voter apathy, distrust of politicians and government. That is a sad legacy.”
  • John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail: “MULRONEY’S LEGACY WILL BE FOREVER POISONED…The incredulity and anger that any reasonable observer must feel over the former prime minister’s conduct is the highest price Mr. Mulroney will have to pay. He is a man who cares deeply about his legacy. That legacy is stained at the least; for many, it will be forever poisoned…to a large chunk of the population, he was Lyin’ Brian – too smooth, too slick, not to be trusted.”
  • Kelly MacParland, National Post: “MULRONEY’S REPUTATION IN SHREDS…If Brian Mulroney had a reputation left, Justice Jeffrey Oliphant shredded it today…Mr. Schreiber didn’t have any reputation to speak of when the proceedings began. Mr. Mulroney was holding onto hope he could salvage what little he had left. He might as well forget that now.”
  • Ian Austen, The New York Times: “FORMER CANADIAN P.M. TOOK ‘KICKBACKS’…A Canadian inquiry has found that former prime minister Brian Mulroney acted inappropriately when he accepted ”cash-stuffed envelopes” during three meetings with a German arms and aviation lobbyist.”


  1. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Didn’t Mulroney give his settlement to charity at the time? That’s my very faint recollection.

  2. e says:

    … and the same will come of Harper’s legacy as he has mismanaged more pork than all previous governments of Canada (combined)… about $60 billion in one year alone plus about $100 billion in off the books transactions done through crown corps and agencies

  3. Albertan says:

    What will Harper do to get the taxpayer’s $2 million back?

  4. Catherine says:

    I’m too young to remember Mulroney Warren. I’m pretty sure high school, not Rock and Roll, was rotting my brain at that time. Sorry, but I can’t get too excited about an old geezer, among many, who’ve died an entitled death.

    O/T – have you seen Rock of Ages yet WK? I’d be interested in your review if so.

  5. James Smith says:

    Just wondered, has the present PM ever published a list of his leadership donors? Do we know who those folks are? Aside from senate appointments that is.

    • e says:

      Stephen Harper loaded up on leadership race cash pre current election finance laws, rumour was it was more than a couple million… it is not declared anywhere and not legally required that he does. The rumour/allegation at the time of the Cadman affair was they the allegedly proposed insurance policy would have been paid for from that fund… all story no proof at this time.

  6. Dominic says:

    Dear Mr. Mulroney,
    I was born in 1969. I am unfortunately too young to remember the period of Canada’s great history from 1968 to 1979 when a one of our greatest Prime Ministers, Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, guided this wonderful land. I am lucky enough to have enjoyed the caring, thoughtful, forward thinking, avant-guard governance of former Prime Minister Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien. What I DO remember MOST clearly is the series of weasels who dictated over me during the interims and at present…most unsettling I must say. But now, what makes me most ill, is your betrayal. Your lying, cheating, mopey, shit stained face with it’s triple chin, makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit and turn me off my dinner. I’ll forget that your wife stole antiques and paintings from 24 Sussex, I’ll ignore your push for the privatization of many of Canada’s crown corporations during your term, I will even say – well – the Free Trade Agreement and the ‘temporary’ GST’ were…HA – necessary concessions…but,

    I MUST say,- that the difference between the shit Conservative PM who sits in Parliament now – and you – is roughly a $2 Million BLUFF.

    Give the Country – us – our money back you lying piece of shit. Then fuck off for good.

    (You print THAT Warren – you print the thoughts of millions, and the words of one with the balls to write it, you patriot punk you)


  7. Lin says:

    Dominic the so-called commenter above pretty much sums up the kind of supporters that are for the liberals. Well educated, top notch communicators that thoughtfully state their point of view in a respectful and researched manner. We are in trouble indeed!

  8. Mark Rutledge says:

    Didn’t Pierre Trudeau run against Stanfield’s proposal in the 1974 election around wage and price controls and then impliment it a year later after winning the election? Didn’t Trudeau run against Clark’s 18 cent per gallon tax increase in 1980 and then impliment a 30+ cent increase in the gas tax in the early 1980s after winning the election. Trudeau was one of our worst prime ministers and began the great decline in civil society that has culminated in Stephen Harper’s government.

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