Musings —07.11.2010 06:08 PM
Quite a few members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, and not a few Big Names in Canadian media, talk to each other on Twitter. It’s fascinating to follow – like listening in on a party line.
In an unrelated matter, we’ve been drinking strawberry daiquiris, and I’m using an iPad to post this on QuickPress.
You’re welcome.
I’ll bet you a Daiquiri that they’re just as full of shit on Twitter as they are in real life.
Jonathan Kay, is that you?
Not even close. But I do like Steppenwolf!
“Sticky strawberry sweetness? Yuk. Or greeny green minty shit. Or worse, …”
The blogger on QuickPress refers to chocolate fillings. Also applicable to drinks, in my humble opinion.
I am pouring myself a glass of cool Chablis. Vive la France!
Personally, I’ve always found that having a good relationship with members of the fourth estate does wonders for one’s political objectives. Long may they chatter on! God, love them.
I’m a big fan of strawberry daiquiris but still a Molson kinda guy I see in some recent tweets that the same journalists that you speak of are getting together for drinks to see who some of their non journalist followers are.