07.24.2010 07:57 AM

R@AL: Meet my new girl

Live from Kingston! Meet Roxy Roller Kinsella, my new gal. I shot this on the iPhone, sort-of sideways. You still get the full Roxy Effect, however.

Get ready for more Roxy At Arm’s Length, world!


  1. Paul R. Martin says:

    Are you going to train Roxy to fill out the Long Form for you. The Star and assorted bureaucrats sure have their shorts in a knot over it. I find it hilarious that some people think that data provided under a mandatory Long Form is accurate. It is stale and dated by the time it is published. Furthermore, a lot of people simply lie when filling out that form.

  2. Philip says:

    Thanks for posting the video Warren, what a beautiful and happy dog. It seems Miss Roxy is quite the ham already, isn’t she? Every now and then please put up some more Roxy video, I think we could all use the joy.

  3. Sandra says:

    What a cuties – Roxy has moxy

  4. jbro says:

    at my house we lost a dog this past winter. thinkin about getting a new one. roxy is lovely, congrats.

  5. Namesake says:

    A sweetheart, alright but: you named her after a sappy Sweeney Todd song?! What will your SFH buds say? At least tell me it was after the Suzy ‘Leather Tuscadero’ Quatro v.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvXcmK2OFc

  6. lr says:

    aww…Roxy is sweet! Have fun and enjoy the puppy zoooomies! 🙂

  7. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    It has been my experience that most Roxys are beautiful, highly intelligent and genuinely caring. Yours is certainly not an exception to the general rule. Woof.

  8. Cath says:

    I think I see the Lab/Border mix in her. Does her white patch look like a cross or the Michael Jackson Jesus pose?
    Really cute.

  9. JStanton says:

    oh, she’s cute and innocent now, but the next election is going to take terrible toll…


  10. Very good video quality and audio as well, pup is cute as a button

  11. JeanAP says:

    Thanks for showing Roxy to the world–it is time we had someone to cheer for! YAYYY Roxy, and Congrats to Warren for becoming her caregiver.

  12. northbaytrapper says:

    Sweet face.
    She’s going to be beautiful Warren.

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