Musings —07.24.2010 07:57 AM
—R@AL: Meet my new girl
Live from Kingston! Meet Roxy Roller Kinsella, my new gal. I shot this on the iPhone, sort-of sideways. You still get the full Roxy Effect, however.
Get ready for more Roxy At Arm’s Length, world!
Are you going to train Roxy to fill out the Long Form for you. The Star and assorted bureaucrats sure have their shorts in a knot over it. I find it hilarious that some people think that data provided under a mandatory Long Form is accurate. It is stale and dated by the time it is published. Furthermore, a lot of people simply lie when filling out that form.
God, you’re as up on this as Clement. Are there no Conservatives who have a clue about stats?
Long form census taunts Paul? Really? It is a video of a puppy being a puppy. Enjoy it for what it is.
So many of you are also becoming bored by the Long Form debate! Roxy is very cute, and this is coming from a cat lover.
The action is over at Mcleans.
Thanks for posting the video Warren, what a beautiful and happy dog. It seems Miss Roxy is quite the ham already, isn’t she? Every now and then please put up some more Roxy video, I think we could all use the joy.
What a cuties – Roxy has moxy
at my house we lost a dog this past winter. thinkin about getting a new one. roxy is lovely, congrats.
A sweetheart, alright but: you named her after a sappy Sweeney Todd song?! What will your SFH buds say? At least tell me it was after the Suzy ‘Leather Tuscadero’ Quatro v.:
You’re joking. The Sweeney Todd version is definitive. And what we all used to skate to.
Well, it was (and thanks to CanCon, still is) certainly more ubiquitous, but somehow I think WK was (& maybe still is) more likely to be crushing on Suzi than on Nick at that pt.
Compare & contrast:
I’m just sayin’… the pup’s found a happy home
aww…Roxy is sweet! Have fun and enjoy the puppy zoooomies! 🙂
It has been my experience that most Roxys are beautiful, highly intelligent and genuinely caring. Yours is certainly not an exception to the general rule. Woof.
I think I see the Lab/Border mix in her. Does her white patch look like a cross or the Michael Jackson Jesus pose?
Really cute.
oh, she’s cute and innocent now, but the next election is going to take terrible toll…
Very good video quality and audio as well, pup is cute as a button
Thanks for showing Roxy to the world–it is time we had someone to cheer for! YAYYY Roxy, and Congrats to Warren for becoming her caregiver.
Sweet face.
She’s going to be beautiful Warren.