Musings —07.05.2010 03:11 PM
—(Sort of) live-blogging Her Majesty
11:40 – There are huge trucks trying to get past a big traffic jam at Pinewood Studios, where lunch with Her Majesty is happening. Horns honking, much chaos. There is a clear need for a Toronto police presence. (First time anyone’s said that since before the G20, I’ll wager.)
11:55 – I’m inside the cavernous reception area, beside an old plane. They’re playing the theme from ‘Ghostbusters.’ I don’t understand why, but they are.
1:09 – We’re seated, but still no Queen. And now they’re playing the theme from ‘The Godfather.’ Not a choice I would have made, but I’m not an expert in protocol.
1:25 – Her Majesty walked right beside our table! She smiled at Bob Richardson and I, and sort-of nodded! She did not, however, seek my opinions on coalition governments.
1:40 – Bob and I were apparently just spotted on TV applauding the Queen as she walked by. Unanimous reaction: “What are those two disreputable barnacles doing there? How’d they get in?”
1:55 – Nice lunch. But now they’re playing the French national anthem, La Marseillaise. Who is running the music for this event? Charles de Gaulle?
2:20 – CTV’s Richard Madan just told me I’m on TV watching half of Metric play an acoustic set. I’m wearing a suit. It’s weird watching a rock’n’roll band when you are wearing a suit. Unless you’re Bryan Ferry or Robert Palmer, I guess, in which case it’s acceptable.
2:50 – The Queen and The Best Premier In Canada just walked by us. The luncheon is concluded. Bob and I will now step into the blast furnace that is Toronto’s weather, today, and tell everyone about our Royal encounter.
Which, I guess, we have now done.
gate crasher
Don’t take “La Marseillaise” to heart, all of you very fine Englishmen. The original title was “Chant de guerre pour l’Armee du Rhin”, a personal thing between France, Prussia and Austria. And to everybody’s comfort, “La Marseillaise” was played melodiously today, not screamed during a “levee en masse” as in 1793 (that wouldn’t have worked in any case since Knight Warren was around). La Reine etait saine et sauve!
Oh well, the inappropriate “Godfather” theme – che orrore! I assume some fellows were dressed in black and white by mistake!
You are a font of historical wisdom!
Thank you – are you trying to make me blush, Warren? 🙂
“The Queen and The Best Premier In Canada just walked by us.”
I didn’t know Darrell Dexter was in town.
Ha! Touch
D’oh! I was just about to say something similar about Brad Wall. Being beaten to the punch hurts.
Brad Wall best premier? Maybe if you want the second worst budget in the provinces historry.
Did you do some time travelling today, or are the entries just out of order?
Don’t Let her kiss you! Old lady fleas!
Please post the link to ‘Police Squad’ where Lt. Drebbin is tasked with providing security for Her Majesty. Please. Just this once.
Ahem, Ahem? My husband and I were thrilled to be in the same room as Warren.
We will remember this day fondly.
Queen Liz.
Saw you on the teevee, Warren. You clean up real good!