08.17.2010 04:17 PM

Two videos that may or may not contain B.S., but which I like

Did Roger Federer really nail that shot?  Also, is it fair that a guy is that good-looking, and one of the best athletes in the world?

And do life-sized cartoons really frolic in the woods? Killer riffage, by the way.


  1. Mr. Bombastic says:

    He hit that shot like Rob Ford has hit his xxxxx for years.

  2. Namesake says:

    Finally got around to firing this up w. my soundcard on.

    Re: The Heavy vid: catchy, yes, but let’s give props to two of the biggest influences there (apart from the Dead’s skullduggery):

    The Godfather of Soul, for the riff:

    and re: the chasing L’il Red Riding Hood ‘plot,’ that hearkens back to Nicolas Roeg’s movie, “Don’t Look Now” (spoiler alert):

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