Musings —08.17.2010 04:17 PM
—Two videos that may or may not contain B.S., but which I like
Did Roger Federer really nail that shot? Also, is it fair that a guy is that good-looking, and one of the best athletes in the world?
And do life-sized cartoons really frolic in the woods? Killer riffage, by the way.
He hit that shot like Rob Ford has hit his xxxxx for years.
Finally got around to firing this up w. my soundcard on.
Re: The Heavy vid: catchy, yes, but let’s give props to two of the biggest influences there (apart from the Dead’s skullduggery):
The Godfather of Soul, for the riff:
and re: the chasing L’il Red Riding Hood ‘plot,’ that hearkens back to Nicolas Roeg’s movie, “Don’t Look Now” (spoiler alert):