10.15.2010 01:38 PM

MMM has momentum-mmm

Check it out. And if anyone can (and should) beat that awful Sandra Bussin, it’s Mary Margaret.



Newstalk 1010 radio host and former provincial Progressive Conservative Party leader John Tory will be joining Mary-Margaret McMahon for a canvassing blitz.

WHEN: Saturday October 15th, 2010 at 9:30 am.

WHERE: Mary-Margaret McMahon Campaign headquarters at 2200 Gerrard St., East, just west of Main Street

Mr. Tory will be meeting with Mary-Margaret at the campaign headquarters at 9:30 am. The canvassing blitz in the neighbourhood will follow at 10am.

For more information contact:

Desmond Brown
416 568 1242

For more information about Mary-Margaret McMahon visit


  1. CaligulaJones says:

    Don’t know why this wasn’t given as much notice:


    On my short walk along Danforth from Woodbine west, every store (that’s open, that is…) has a MMM sign. Most of them, I’m pretty sure, already have a working relationship with her from her community organizer days.

  2. Abigail Thomas says:

    One of Bussin’s people were canvassing my street the other day (again). After handing me (more) campaign literature, I was asked if they could count on my support.

    Nope, I said. Mary Margaret has my vote.

  3. CaligulaJones says:

    And another thing…

    Last week I received a call from OPSEU, telling me that it was endorsing Pantalone and Bussin, and wondering if it could could on my support (I am unfortunately a member).

    No, I said, then hung up.

    I know unions can’t give cash, but how does one keep track of “in kind” work like this? There is obviously a relational database that they can extract ward-by-ward.

    Doesn’t Bussin have to declare this?

  4. Joe says:

    Not sure how campaigning with a conservative, particularly one with such an abysmal political record, helps in this neighbourhood. It just cost her my vote.

    When did John Tory gain a reputation as such a wise elder statesman? He’s done some good work with the United Way and with Bill Davis but the rest of his resume is atrocious.

    He was in charge of one of the most reviled companies in Canada and managed to make them even more hated by introducing negative option billing. He managed the disastrous 1993 PC campaign and approved a vicious and ill-advised attack ad against a great Prime Minister. Following this, he had an unimpressive stint as CFL commissioner. He lost a mayoral race and then led the Tory Party to a crushing defeat due to his support for religious funding of schools. He lost two embarrassing elections for MPP as leader.

    As far those who point to his supposed social liberalism, they should remember that this man was proud to lead the PC Party when it nominated and elected Randy Hillier. One can’t stand with that man, endorse his candidacy, and credibly claim to support diversity. He’s also endorsed numerous right-wing candidates such as Jm Flaherty in 2006. Tory actually supported Jim Flaherty despite his record of being one of the worst Finance Ministers in Ontario history.

    I can’t speak to his business skills but I think his political record speaks for itself. Toronto voters have rejected him every time they’ve had an opportunity. If I wanted support in Toronto (particularly the Beaches), I’d avoid being seen with him.

    • CaligulaJones says:

      Well, luckily, my wife cancels out your non-vote, so I win.

      • allegra fortissime says:

        oderint, dum metuant.

        Caligula, this doesn’t sound good…

        • CaligulaJones says:

          Well, it probably doesn’t translate easily to 2010. Been awhile for the Latin, actually. I’ll have to, er, review the film again soon.

          What it means is that Mrs. Jones and I both support MMM.

          So Joe will vote for someone else (for not a very good reason it seems – MMM appears to be grateful, but lukewarm to the endorsement, so why not vote for a good ward worker?) and will cancel out my vote. But Mrs. Jones will be one up for real hope and change for Ward 32.

          But seriously, has anyone heard of that volleyball deal? I only heard that the terms had changed, but it appears to be more skulduggery that hardly is a good thing for the city.

    • Julia Howell says:

      Dear Joe,

      You clearly have a very superficial understanding of the man that is John Tory. While I do no know him well, I have had the pleasure of working with him and I will say that it is rare to come across someone with his degree of integrity. Just the fact that he has thrown his support behind Mary-Margaret McMahon — someone whose politics are unlikely to be too closely aligned with his — speaks to his commitment to the political process over partisan politics. This is the kind of leadership we need.

      And your comment suggesting that his support of diversity is disingenuous, is also misinformed. With the little spare time the man must have he has replaced the late David Pecaut as co-chair in DiverseCity: The Greater Toronto Leadership Project — probably one of the most important multi-stakeholder initiatives in the city today. Along with the Maytree Foundation’s Ratna Omidvar, Tory is working to identify and support the development of the next generation of city-building leaders — recognizing that not only is diversity our strength — but that if we don’t capitalize on all the skills and connections of visible minority leaders we will never realize our potential.

  5. Bailey says:

    I just bought a house in the area, unfortunately, I won’t be moving until December. Too late to cast my ballot against Bussin.

  6. allegra fortissima says:

    You wouldn’t post for us that Randy Hillier-John Tory-Scott Reid-Lisa MacLeod bubbles-photo again, would ya, Warren?

    (Sorry, just finished page 95 – I should have never bought that book 🙂 )

  7. scott bullock says:

    for Joe

    Today’s Toronto Star officially endorsed MMM…so it seems her support comes from both left and right on the political spectrum. Perhaps you don’t trust John Tory, but is the Toronto Star wrong too?

  8. T.MCGUIRE says:

    Firstly, I would question the integrity of John Tory supporting a candidate tht is the polar opposite of himself on the political spectrum. Mr. Tory has lost my trust.

    Secondly, as a resident in the Ward, I question the support for MMM. She has absolutely no platform and has not addresed any of the issues. her website is void of a platform and she sounds more like a community hostess than someone that should be representing a ward of 60,000 plus citizens. I truly do not believe she has what it takes and we will end up with four more years of lacklustre representation.

    There is no question that we need change in Ward 32 but surely there are other more viable candidates than this. I urge residents of ward 32 to look hard at the candidates. Lets not make the same mistake again.

  9. IC says:

    So last night, at a wooden all candidates meeting ( at the beginning) run by a budding grade one school teacher as the Mod (politics is colourful for gods sake – look at Warren), Bussin and Mikie Prue MPP puppet master in the wings, an NDP plant and Bussin Groupie starts chucking the mud to Mary-Margaret. Bruce Baker stood up for her ( good on him) and it’s clear Her Slyness is on the ropes, but still can’t hide her contempt for the fact she has to ask for her job every 48 months. Thank god for democracy or Ward 32 would be like Pyongyang on a good day.

    TMcG – MMM’s forte is not public speaking it’s true – but mobilizing behind the Ward and getting things done – is something there is not one question over. Her platform is out there – I just read it and it is all about transparency, budgeting appropriately, transit, services and ensuring Ward 32 gets a good deal from either Ford or Smitherman. What more do we need? We certainly don’t need 4 more years of Slyness doing what she does. Besides, Martin Gladstone is a shrewd dude – why would he back a lame duck? (And he hasn’t)

    As we get to Oct-25 – the support behind MMM means she has a fair chance of pulling off the unthinkable and getting ride of this vile woman –
    those with teeny %’s should back her and ensure she gets over the line. At this stage – what else can be done?

  10. Lulu says:

    I have a question for Sandra Bussin

    ” Sandra, I have only been in the country 6 years – came here from England, so have missed a lot of this in Ward 32. Your literature says you have done so much for the community and you are the Speaker of City Council which is just wonderful. So, why do the vast majority of the residents of Ward 32 hate your guts and want you out of office as soon as possible?”

  11. T.McGuire says:

    IC sorry I have to disagree with you on MMM. I have been at all three candidates meetings and this candidate is reading her statements like a scripted puppet. If we want real change in Ward 32 we need someone that will have a strong voice at council. I am sorry to say but if we elect her she will be a bigger embarrassment than Bussin. Bruce Baker will most likely get my vote.

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