12.16.2010 01:10 PM

Mr. Rae

…and, as with Messrs. Klein and Eves, below, all of us at the wk.com empire wish a speedy recovery, and best of the season, to Mr. Rae.

I may be “a stupid blogger,” quote unquote, but I’m a charitable stupid blogger!


  1. Namesake says:

    Given the nature of the injury, no doubt the con-bots will be using this as further evidence of the “separatists and socialists” meme.


    But, having heard the clip, now, I think he just took a dive to spare his sensitive ears from MI’s caroling at the X-mas party.

  2. eattv says:

    Not to detract from the sentiment for Rae to get well soon (I hope he does), but the article states “He also ran unsuccessfully in the leadership race that elected the party’s current leader, Michael Ignatieff.” Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that “He also ran unsuccessfully in the leadership race that preceded the appointing of the party’s current leader”? There wasn’t really another race, was there? Or was I asleep for it? This isn’t sarcasm, I’d seriously like to know.

    • James Curran says:

      Suffice to say when one “controls” the people that make the rules for membership, leadership, agm’s, delegate selection meetings, etc., one can easily force the end of a leadership campaign rather quickly.

  3. Paul R Martin says:

    I wish Rae a speedy recovery. On the other hand, I doubt that Harper was going to share the stage with him in a dueling pianos concert. Iggy stepped in at the Liberal Party Christmas party and gave an effort at singing “We wish you a merry Christmas”. The suit and tie were not very cool and his voice was flat, but in honour of the season, I give Iggy credit for trying to appear more down to earth.

    • Conservative Peter says:

      Is their a clip of IGGY singing ? The Liberal brain trust should do some photo op’s to make this guy more likable . Its his choice what he does with his holidays but If I was one of his advisors I’d have him out at Nathan Philips sq for New Years . Last year he was in France for the holidays and it kind of played into peoples perceptions of him .

  4. J. Coates says:

    At least Bob Rae didn’t fall leaving the party…..

  5. Iris Mclean says:

    I haven’t heard Bob rock-out since he did We’re In The Same Boat Now, about twenty years ago. That’s a long time to go between hits.
    Let’s all hope Bob mends quickly and wails out another one soon.

  6. Warren,


    can you explain why a “rising star” in a provincial government with a seat in Mississauga would give up his Cabinet position to run for a federal seat in the opposition?

    I have only three theories

    1) He believes he won’t keep his job/seat in cabinet shuffle/general election in next twelve months. (Ruby Dhalla nanny thingy)
    2) He is positioning himself to run for leadership of Federal Liberals.
    3) I am being punk’d by the MSM.

    • Namesake says:

      _If_ he is offered & accepts the nomination for this riding,

      it’s 4) He’s seeking a promotion to do more good for his country.

      Because he wouldn’t be running for a seat in the Opp., but for a seat & a Cabinet position in the new Liberal gov’t.

      It won’t be for a byelection, but for the next election; the incumbent announced some months ago that she won’t run again because she has MS. http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/House+back+civility/3553362/story.html

      Thus, it differs from the Vaughan situation in many respects (re: the incumbent’s reason for separation & rel’n w. the party & likely involvement in the next campaign, & the time to get used to the new candidate, & the absence of a torpedo re: asking some rival candidate first), and is far less likely to alienate the Liberal supporters there.

      And it’s not just the ‘MSM’ reporting this, since the independently owned Hill Times hardly qualifies as that:

    • MississaugaLibPeter says:

      Wow! I live in Mississauga East. Albina’s riding for as long as she wanted. Hope she get’s better.

      Just got infobot call. They said they were a media company (didn’t give name) and said they were going to ask 2 political questions:

      1. If an election were held in the spring, who would be the best prime minister? Then listed Layton, ignatieff, Harper, May (in that order)

      2. If an election were held in the spring, which Party would you most likely support?

      Then after answering that, they asked a third question after originally saying there were only 2 questions.

      3. If an election were held today, would you vote for some name, NDP, Peter Fonseca, Liberal Party of Canada, somename, Conservative Party of
      Canada, somename, Green Party of Canada.

      I pressed the number for the Green Party candidate, since I knew the Green Party did not pay for this poll. And no thank yous, no nothing, just a hang up.

      The fun has begun!

      BTW, great catch Ignatieff. Of the 10 potential candidates, only Mandy had a chance of winning this riding – and it would have been a very steep climb. Fonseca will insure it stays Liberal.


      4) He realized as an Ontario minister he was getting paid less than his newly elected Mississauga counsellor wife.

      I am sure McGuinty is not impressed.

  7. Conservative Peter says:

    I hope Bob Rae gets better before things get running again after the x-mas break . This country needs him back in the House . Being an opposition critic is a tough thankless job .

    I have respect for the way he and Michael Ignatieff put their country ahead of politics by agreeing to the new mission in Afghanistan .

  8. Dave says:

    It’s a warning:

    Mr.Rae agrees Canadian soldiers stay on in Afghanistan.
    Next thing y’know, Mr Rae has a dislocated shoulder.


    • Namesake says:

      interesting thought, ‘cept that the circumstances — a slip & fall in an icy sidewalk whilst texting — indicates a diff. sort of warning; in fact, he should do a PSA on this new meaning of ‘crackberry’

  9. Lipman says:

    -Also wishing BR a swift recovery. -Saw him up in Vaughan canvassing for Tony G. and noted that he took half of a massive poll on the coldest day of the campaign (our group of volunteers took the other half).

  10. Campbell says:

    Lol…just went to wk.com to see if it redirected here. It doesn’t 🙂 But I’m sure Wieden & Kennedy and their new art project Abaku appreciate the extra traffic!

    And I hope Bob feels better soon too!

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