Musings —04.19.2011 10:46 AM
The site went dark, there, for a while. Media Temple, which hosts it, had a big system-wide crash.
Also, I still don’t see my Sun column online anywhere yet – it’s in the dead tree version, however, so go buy it, if you’re so inclined!
Though we’re on opposite sides of the circus, I always check you out. OnLine. On pulp. Got your column (Hard Copy, inky version.) Love how you state your position. May not always, nor much, be in agreement, but wordsmith are admired and appreciated in my neck of the woods.
And . . thankfully, you have not been “secretly sacked,” as wondered about, some time up screen.
As a contributor to the Sun ‘dead tree’ edition, you should be aware that they use 100% recycled fibre that would normally be land filled….This helps keep the boys and girls at Abitibibowater Thorold working. But alas, you perpetuate this notion of cutting down trees. Perhaps a mute point as you are in the news business and not the newsprint business….but again with all the fear or negativity of a Liberal….cheer up lad….you’ve got a job or at last look, a few jobs.