04.12.2011 07:26 PM

“Mr. Harper specializes in the politics of fear”

Iggy throws it down.

Harper doesn’t blink. Gives laundry list of tough-on-crime stuff.

Harper and Layton mention my friend David Chen. Would’ve been nice if they’d been helping out before David’s case became fashionable.

Did Layton actually just say “bling”?


  1. Ron says:

    he’s a grandpa
    he’s proud and trying to be hip all in one

  2. Massimo Savino says:

    “#fail” ??? … Bless.

  3. JM says:

    I just heard him say “hashtag fail”. When old guys try to use the “lingo” it always reminds me of the Noah’s Arcade “rap” from Wayne’s World.

  4. Nasty Bob says:

    Tulk – B.S. – citation please.

    “Make the punishment fit the crime” – mandatory minimums do the opposite – a homeless person who steals out of need or hits someone when drunk is treated the same as one who steals out of greed or attacks with a deliberate intention to hurt.

    Building more jails is akin to funding a job fair for gangs- that’s where most gang members are recruited.

  5. Chubsy Ubsy says:

    entice our youth to join gangs with BLING! lol

  6. smelter rat says:

    Did you hear that in the bar, Gord?

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