Musings —04.12.2011 07:26 PM
—“Mr. Harper specializes in the politics of fear”
Iggy throws it down.
Harper doesn’t blink. Gives laundry list of tough-on-crime stuff.
Harper and Layton mention my friend David Chen. Would’ve been nice if they’d been helping out before David’s case became fashionable.
Did Layton actually just say “bling”?
he’s a grandpa
he’s proud and trying to be hip all in one
“#fail” ??? … Bless.
I just heard him say “hashtag fail”. When old guys try to use the “lingo” it always reminds me of the Noah’s Arcade “rap” from Wayne’s World.
Tulk – B.S. – citation please.
“Make the punishment fit the crime” – mandatory minimums do the opposite – a homeless person who steals out of need or hits someone when drunk is treated the same as one who steals out of greed or attacks with a deliberate intention to hurt.
Building more jails is akin to funding a job fair for gangs- that’s where most gang members are recruited.
entice our youth to join gangs with BLING! lol
Did you hear that in the bar, Gord?