05.18.2011 06:31 AM

Timmy Hudak, democrat

For months – and going back to the recruitment of Benedict Baldy – I’ve been hearing from Ontario Conservatives who are livid about the way Ontario PC “leader” Tim Hudak has been dealing with the party’s grassroots.  In his mad scramble to recruit “star” candidates, Hudak has linked up with some very shady characters, and stomped all over the democracy he once promised to uphold.

This Star story suggests that some of these Ontario Cons are now giving voice to their dissatisfaction.  This could get interesting, as they say.

“The Progressive Conservative Party is under fire for effectively anointing so-called star candidates by squeezing out others interested in running.

Conservative insiders are saying privately they are not happy with the way high-profile candidates are being parachuted in while others are being told to hit the road.

The latest example was Ottawa Citizen columnist Randall Denley getting the seal of approval by Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak Tuesday to run for the nomination of Ottawa West—Nepean.

“This is not how our party is supposed to work,” said one member, a supporter of a rival candidate, who was among those asked to quietly bow out.

“What about the people who work hard for years to win a nomination fair and square?”

Denley once described Hudak as a cartoon character and often criticized the Tory leader for opposing the introduction of the Harmonized Sales Tax, which Denley said was good for business.

The Progressive Conservative Party is under fire for effectively anointing so-called star candidates by squeezing out others interested in running.

Conservative insiders are saying privately they are not happy with the way high-profile candidates are being parachuted in while others are being told to hit the road.

The latest example was Ottawa Citizen columnist Randall Denley getting the seal of approval by Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak Tuesday to run for the nomination of Ottawa West—Nepean.

“This is not how our party is supposed to work,” said one member, a supporter of a rival candidate, who was among those asked to quietly bow out.

“What about the people who work hard for years to win a nomination fair and square?”

Denley once described Hudak as a cartoon character and often criticized the Tory leader for opposing the introduction of the Harmonized Sales Tax, which Denley said was good for business.”



  1. Cath says:

    none of this will matter to voters, most of whom couldn’t tell you who Denley is or why he’s considered a superstar? It’s the message and the consistency of the message that’s going to matter most. Right now – with election fatigue setting in and plans shaping up for summer vacations, end of school etc. no one’s paying attention much.

    Here’s an interesting piece.

  2. patrick Deberg says:

    I can see it coming. Norm Sterling comes out for the Liberals, Blackjack McLaren and Randy Denley try to defeat him. Randy writes a column about Norm and Bob Charelli about howevil they really are. Charilli smokes denley in any meeting cause Randy never learned talking is not the same as writing. Hillier tries to drive another tractor over another cop and Mcginity throws him in jail. Blackjack gets taken to the valley of eli in defeat and visits hillier in jail. When Dalton gets re-elected he pardons hillier and frees him. Blackjack and hillier go deer hunting with Denley who has to learn that writing isn’t hunting. Denley teams up with Lowell Green and they write “Mayday! mayday another crappy murder mystery!” that becomes a number one best seller in funeral homes in Ontario. They all go to celebrate on Larry O’brians boat with a well deserved enema.

  3. Elisa says:

    Harper does the same thing. Is Hudak letting them talk ?

  4. Ted says:


    “The idea behind the program was to create a ?virtuous cycle? of renewable hardware supply in the province, he said, and so far a few ?brave souls? such as Silfab have started up. Other Italian solar product makers were considering Ontario, he said, but they have now indicated they will wait until after the provincial election in October before making a decision.

    The uncertainty sends a ?don?t come here? signal to the solar industry, Mr. Maccario said.

    Mike Carten, CEO of Calgary-based solar inverter maker Sustainable Energy Technologies Ltd. (STG-X0.13—-%) said he is puzzled that Mr. Hudak vowed to kill the FIT program, because many of those taking advantage of it are small suppliers, or individuals building small solar power systems, and both groups are the Conservatives? natural constituency.

    ?If he pulls the pin ? it?s going to be the smaller companies ? that are going to be feeling the pain,? said Mr. Carten, whose company built an inverter plant in Ontario because it expected a surge in business as a result of the FIT local-content requirements.

    ?The program as a whole has done what I think they were trying to do, which is to get a number of companies actually building manufacturing capacity within the province, with the view to serving the market and exporting,? he said.

    Mr. Carten said it is damaging to Ontario?s integrity if something like FIT is set up as a long-term program to draw investment, and then it is changed drastically by a new set of politicians.”

  5. RN200 says:

    And the LPC and LPO nomination processes are just so fair….no “star candidates” have ever been parachuted in by the Libs!

    Thanks for the daily (meaningless) Hudak slag…I’ll check back tomorrow to see if something useful has been posted.

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