06.10.2011 06:12 AM

Sports Psychology

The Heat are the most pompous, arrogant and detestable sports franchise on Earth. To deal with Canucks-related despair, I am revelling in the Heat’s despair. In this way, the sports universe achieves balance.


  1. Eric says:

    Amen. A great fourth quarter last night, for sure. I thought that the Bulls had more depth and would take them down, but now it is up to Dallas. But with Stern’s NBA leaning more towards entertainment than to sport, you never know ….

  2. Jon Powers says:

    No, the Canucks are the most pompous, arrogant and detestable sports franchise on Earth. Go Bruins! Hey, if you put the Sedins in seperate rooms for too long, do they stop breathing or something? Oh, and yes, the Heat suck too.

    • Warren says:

      Traitor. Get Powers, Team wk.com!

      • Jon Powers says:

        Am not. Bruins have more Canadians. That makes me super patriotic. Plus, I resent Vancouver for making me stay up so late to watch hockey. Double plus, if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup, my Leafs get a better draft pick for Kaberle! That’s right, I’m a Leaf fan. Bring it on.

        P.S. Canucks suck, Heat suck, Arsenal suck. (Come on you Spurs!) And straws. They suck too.

        • Warren says:

          I move that we remove Powers’ citizenship. Who’s with me?

        • Attack! says:

          Straws don’t suck… people suck. (And Powers blows.)

        • Bubba says:

          The Canucks?? Pfffft please – in order to be the most pompous, arrogant and detestable sports franchise on earth you’d have to
          i) consistently field a sad-sack bunch of losers that would be more comfortable and more skillful with a back-hoe
          ii) consistently lose – but not so badly that you cause the slobbery horde of zombie-like creatures to lose interest and turn to eating the brains of politicians instead
          iii) have an ownership that has no interest in winning as said horde of zombies are willing to spend mounds of cash for the equivalent of staring at a blank wall
          iv) have gobs and gobs of cash to spend on….. wait spending is for the great unwashed hordes of zombies
          v) have a fan base/zombie horde that refers to themselves as a Nation when the only thing national about them is the universal hatred
          vi) have a fan base/zombie horde that is willing to organize a parade along the longest street in the world every time a new goalie is signed
          vii) be CONVINCED that it is your GOD-GIVEN right to be considered the rightful holder of the Stanley Cup
          ….i could go on but like shooting fish in a barrel.
          Go Canucks Go

          • Jon Powers says:

            Don’t make light of zombies. They’re coming.
            Hey, you Canucks fans should remind Luuuuongo that he’s supposed to stay infront of the puck, not jump out of the way! Better yet, put one or both of the green men in net. Couldn’t do any worse.

          • Bubba says:

            Don’t get me wrong – the smell emanating from the bedding material of the Canucks collectively renders a massive miasma of rectal malfunction and the 6 Bruins I have in my hockey pool have left me a winner before it is done AND i would much rather have Thomas in net rather than Leaky Lurch but i lived out on the Left Coast through the V sweater and the Flying Skate and Pavel Bure – have been a long suffering Canucks fan and this is their chance… urr was there chance by the looks of it.

        • Philip says:

          Any one who is a Leaf’s fan has absolutely no right to criticize another hockey team, minor leagues included. The Leaf’s are the epi-centre of Suck. The next Stanley Cup victory parade down Younge St. will be lead by the Senators. As part of an out-reach program for cities that have no idea what hockey actually looks like. To sum up: the great-grandchildren of Leaf fans will never see the team go past the 2nd round of post-season.
          I like to think I made my point! 🙂

          • Jon Powers says:

            I just think it’s so funny how Canucks fans, who would never cheer for the Leafs, let alone give a Leaf fan water if he was dying in the desert, get so upset when those same Leaf fans won’t cheer for the Canucks. You hate the Leafs? Don’t care. I hate the Canucks. Get over it. Most annoying sports fans in the world: 1. Red Sox fans 2. Canucks fans 3. Yankee fans 4. Arsenal fans.
            Best fans in the world: 1.Leaf fans 2. Spurs fans. Eat it, Canucks.
            Go Bruins!

  3. Ginger says:

    As difficult as it is cheering for any team owned by Cuban, it’s worth it to see the Heat lose. Also, taking the Lakers, a close second for deserving the above mentioned attributes, out in 4 really helped. Go Mavs!

  4. Lipman says:

    Disagree. Flash, Bosh, and LBJ II are the bomb. That, and Mark Cuban is a complete buffoon who donates money to GOP candidates.

  5. Greg says:

    What time is it? 12 past Luongo.

  6. RN200 says:

    G, I hate liberals. But I love Canadians (noooooooooo, NOT Canadiens!) – you guys all rock with the hockey talk. I can state for certain that the fans in Rogers Arena can sing both the Canadian AND the American anthems better than anyone in the US. Is that OK with you guys?

  7. dave says:

    Canucks fan here

    I live in the far away boonies of BC, and I have followed the Canucks for decades. I see them as a Vancouver team, with loads of support from other parts of BC. They are not Canada’s team at all, they are Vancouver’s team. There are quite a few Canadians in their organization and on their roster, the same as every team, Canadian or American based, that they play against.
    This Canada’s team stuff smacks to me of state propaganda, and I really do not like linking the game with politcs and our foreign military adventures.
    If Canucks do not win this series, I will still follow the Canucks.
    If they do win, it’s gravy for me.
    (I tell you what, – I bet that our BC Libs will include the Canucks performance in this series when they are deciding when to drop the writ.)
    The real thing for me is the process, the long term narrative, they’re the team I follow, up or down.
    As for arrogance, or pomposity, that is what other teams , in their vanity, fall to; if my team has it, I simply call it ‘swagger.’

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