09.26.2011 09:24 PM

Andrea Horwath’s scandal: inaccessible in more ways than one

Months ago, Horwath’s NDP received $100,000 from federal taxpayers for a wheelchair ramp for their building. See one?

Since then, the OCLC received more than $100,000 in grants from the federal government to retrofit bathrooms and install an electric wheel-chair lift in the front of the building.

And it appears the corporation raised an additional $100,000 for the work from the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU). The only problem — the total cost of the project barely tops $100,000 and no work has begun on the electric wheel-chair lift funded by the federal government.

When the Toronto Sun asked to speak with party leader Andrea Horwath to discuss the project and the grants, NDP spokesman Alex Callahan said an interview would be difficult, given the leader’s “busy” election campaign schedule.


  1. Michael S says:

    Nice timing.

  2. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    Disgraceful, but oh so typical for the Bollinger Bolsheviks…..

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