Musings —09.17.2011 10:20 AM
—David Suzuki on Dalton McGuinty
Amazing. When icons like this man turn their back on Andrea Horwath’s disappointing Dippers, it’s time to go back to the drawing board, I think.
Musings —09.17.2011 10:20 AM
—Amazing. When icons like this man turn their back on Andrea Horwath’s disappointing Dippers, it’s time to go back to the drawing board, I think.
Suzuki is praising Father Dalty? That just confirms it – Dalty is in bed with the hypocrites and terminally insane. The least vomit-inducing option is starting to look like the Greens
I love it when Cons start to lose their shit.
Just for the record, i have never been a big C conservative and I have never supported Whodat – so if that qualifies as losing my shit, well i guess you are entitled to gloat based on those assumptions – i have not seen such a badly run campaign since… well John Tory actually. Provincial conservatives feel federal Liberals’ pain – one douche-bag after another.
Meanwhile back in the real world McGuinty ranks FOURTh when Ontarians are asked which party leader will do the best job on the environment – yes behind even Hudak as well Horwath and Shreiner (as an aside i don’t know why they even include the Green leader in this question when he is just leading a fringe party that will get about 1% of the vote)
Its also very interesting that in the same poll when they ask people how they voted in 2007 and how they are planning to vote this time – more Green voters from ’07 are shifting to the NDP than are to the Liberals. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
You’ve lost it Gord.
The Fox is back in the henhouse, laying eggs.
Odd, I just saw a new public school complete with solar and wind power in my hometown named after Dr. Suzuki. I bet there will be others in the country.
He’s ‘made a fortune’ because he’s a scientist, author, writer and a broadcaster and on the list of top Canadians? I would have thought that this sort of ingenuity would fit your model.
I can only imagine what happens when you read the Top 10 list of Greatest Canadians –
#1 – Tommy Douglas – Gord groans, complains of stomach cramps.
#2 – Terry Fox -pain receeds.
#3 – Pierre Trudeau -Diarrhea, blurry vision, hives.
#4 – Sir Frederick Banting – Condition stabilizes.
#5 – David Suzuki – Boils break out on Gord’s skin.
#6 – Lester B. Pearson – Coma
#7 – Don Cherry – Dr. mentiones Don Cherry is #7 on the list of Greatest Candians, Gord moves pinky finger.
#8 – Sir John A. MacDonald -Patient opens his eyes.
#9 – Alexandar Graham Bell – Patient keeps down solid food, starts to move about.
#10 – Wayne Gretzky – Full recovery.
Don’t you just hate us Liberals?
“8. [John A. MacDonald] The first Red Tory. Corrupt Drunkard”
To paraphrase Bozo the Klein: “WHY DONSHU GETTA JORB!”
I completely disagree with this comment and would like WK to remove it. It obviously presumes Gord had “it” at some point.
This coming from someone who thinks seatbelts are fascistic.
Alright, so this coming from someone who thinks seatbelts are an infringement on one’s rights.
When the Lord of the Fruit Flies condescends to alight amongst the water-melons it’s pretty much a given that they’re heading for the compost heap.
Will solar energy in Ontario go into mass production? And, consequently, will solar energy be affordable for the average homeowner? So far companies, Samsung as one of them, are at the “hoping” stage:,1518,784653-2,00.html
I doubt that renewable energies will have the capacity to cover all of Ontario’s energy demands. So, Mr. Suzuki, if coal is out of question for you (and Mr. McGuinty), what do you suggest? Obviously not nuclear plants:
People would have laughed at you in 1968 if you said that in a few decades you’d be able to carry a computer/phone around in your pocket. Billions use them today.
I think there are great minds in Ontario that could help solve our energy problems – so let’s not be so dour. On top of that the single best thing we could do economically and environmentally is to retrofit schools and government office buildings with technologies available today to reduce energy use.
This isn’t rocket science, it just needs governmental will to push forward. McGuinty has the guts to do that in the face of the anti-science party.
and it’s what the Harper gang should have done in the stimulus program, instead of installing doorknobs and building one-off vanity projects like gazebos as an excuse to erect their EAP!/CPC ads:
invest in R&D and green tech. for more enduring jobs.
It really depends what you think that stimulus program was about — a short-term boost to the economy, or an opportunity to do some long-term projects, with little or no measurable short-term effect on job creation. You seem to be in the latter camp, but at the time, most people saw the stimulus program as serving the former purpose. Including most Liberals and Dippers. It was all about “shovel ready” projects and getting the money out the door ASAP, remember?
it was once the CPC announced in no uncertain terms that was the only way they were prepared to go, so if it was just to be short-term construction / infrastructure, then, sure, it should be ASAP to curtail the cascading job losses.
But that doesn’t mean that was the way the Libs policy-makers wanted it; see e.g., Scott Brison after the fact,
or Hedy Fry, during it: “I am concerned that this is a lost opportunity to invest in green investments, in new technologies that would bring about green investments. I am also concerned that there is insufficient money for research and development. In fact, there is a cut to the major granting organizations for R and D in this country.”
speaking of doorknobs…
Does McGuinty have the guts to provide grants to all homeowners who want to install solar panels on their roofs?
Gee, you’d think Sun TV would want to just _give_ them away to subscribers, themselves (‘Power failure or brownout? No Problem: you can always watch SunTV’) except it would make Ezra’s head explode.
ewww, ezra’s head exploding would be like pandora’s box all over again, without the hope
Gord – I read your post.
I would have replied earlier but I came down with a case of stomach cramps, diarrhea, blurry vision, hives, boils and then lost consciousness.
Your friendly neigbourhood Luddite,
We agree on something then good.
Luddite in the same sentence as – Tulkian humour?