Musings —09.06.2011 04:35 PM
—Ex-PC leader Tory slams PC leader Hudak
It’s happened again. Yet another former Ontario PC Leader has slammed Tea Party Tim Hudak for his “righteous duplicity”.
This time it’s John Tory who said Hudak is “offering a menu of bologna” to Ontario voters.
Tory was referring to Hudak’s 180-degree reversal on the issue of getting skilled professionals living and paying taxes in Ontario, out of driving taxi cabs and mopping floors, and into the profession they are educated for.
Tory said Hudak is “pandering to the worst emotions of envy, jealousy and insecurity about so-called foreigners” while calling the Ontario Liberal plan “one of the best investments we [could] make… this is the right kind of thing to do.”
“Come on Tim – don’t put the brochures out stirring up envy and negativity about the exact same kind of program [you support] which does not come at the expense of long term Ontario residents who still have total access to the other Billions of dollars in training programs,” said Tory on CFRB Newstalk 1010.
Warren, can you throw us non-Ontarions a bone and blog about something besides the provincial election for a day!? >:l
pete, you’d probably be more successful emailing Rush Limbaugh and asking him to go easy on Obama.
You might want to come back in mid-october.
If it seems like Warren is blogging about this election like it’s his job, that’s because, well, it is his job.
Hey Pete – you could read up on Chretien predicting NDP-Liberal merger could happen very quickly:
Warren, you should advise the Ontario Liberal Party to start running some television ads and radio spots
with the recent quotes from both Ernie Eves and John Tory concerning Tea Party Tim Hudak’s Regressive
CON-servatives. I wonder if Bill Davis will likewise speak out against what the Ontario PC Party has become
since being hijacked by the Ontario Landowners Association?. It would also be interesting to learn what
the tiny faction of remaining Red Tories who have survived the Reform/Alliance/Ontario Landowners purge
have to say about Tim Hudak’s embrace of anti-immigrant sentiment. The only Red Tories MPPs left in the
Ontario PC Party caucus to the best of my knowledge are Elizabeth Witmer and Ted Arnott. I suppose
Christine Elliot could be described as a Pink Tory, but leaning more towards the Blue Tory mold of
Mike Harris. Elliot is more definitely to the left of Hudak though and in hindsight would have been a much better pick for Ontario PC Party leader than Hudak. It would also be interesting to know what former Ontario
PC Party MPP Red Tories such as Janet Eckar have to say about Tea Party Tim’s divisive socioeconomic policies. Ontario PC Party Red Tory statesmen such as Frost, Robarts and Grossman must be turning over in their graves over how Tea Party Timmy has transformed the Ontario PC Party and its High Tory British traditions into a clone of the Alabama Republi-KLAN Party.
The people are always right, as they say, but damn is it depressing that John Tory hosts a radio show because not enough people wanted him in office at 2 different levels of government.
Remember when elections in Ontario were, you know, boring, and about issues?
Pity this, Mr Tory didn’t have the same kind of gum 4 or 12 months ago. He has a radio show & folks listen to it, I guess because it’s on at drive time so he does draw some water. A more boring-in-love-with-his-own-voice can only be found by dragging the lake & reanimating a MR R Murphy.
My point: the best Ontario Premier in 50 years will be re-elected in spite of this MR Tory’s opinion one way or another.
I just hope this MR Tory keeps his gob shut & does not jinx things. EVERYTHING this MR Tory has touched has turned to stone; except stones, the stones he has touched have turned into dust.
Espousing the virtue of change merely for the sake of change itself. A platform all too familiar for far too long in Ontario politics. In the end, void filled promises revealing a yield of insignificance to a population (gathered around the golden horseshoe that represents the majority of this nations workforce and integral to our economic stability in the global marketplace) that has been motivated to believe and to focus with new hope and baited breath on a promise of a strong, prosperous, and vital Canada. At a time where economic uncertainty has run rampant globally, with millions of people and businesses that have already been impacted adversely, can we really afford to sit on the sidelines and allow “Tea Party” politics to divide our country, our strengths, and our people ? As Canadians are we hearing a call to preserve and grow the “political interests” of a particular party or should we perhaps be paying more attention to those in office that will stay the course and help continue to steer us clear of the uncharted waters of economic collapse. Politicians work for the people – NOT the other way around. This is your time Canada to speak loudly and demand that self and party interests for political gain be shelved, and that the interests of ALL Canadians be addressed as a priority. With respect to Mr. Tory, who has shown the Canadian public a truly admirable, morally and ethically correct response I must in all sincerity say Thank You. Thank you for championing what is right for all Canadians, and for setting a very important example that party politics has no room in our culture when it comes to the welfare of our citizens and the dignity and respect deserved by each and every person that comprises our country. For Canadians, this is truly not a time to be playing politically, economically, or sociologically with the livelihoods of so many.