09.17.2011 08:55 AM

From deep inside the Randall “Randy” Denley bunker

He used to be my editor.  He was a good editor.  He should have stuck to that.

To wit:

As well, an insider familiar with the campaign says that Denley is not doing well on the doorsteps. He has a bad habit of telling people what he thinks rather than asking the voters what they want. That doesn’t leave a good impression. Chiarelli, a political veteran, is outstanding talking to voters.

Apparently Denley was weak on a recent radio appearance, analyzing his own campaign rather than campaigning when he had a chance. According to one insider, Denley must decide really soon if he is a journalist or a politician.

So the riding could go either way, but the impression is that Chiarelli is gaining traction


  1. ottawacon says:

    His position on HydroOttawa’s smart meters (the hardware, not the billing) borders on the absurd (http://www.ottawacitizen.com/technology/Power+politics+play+over+smart+meter+Ottawa+West+Nepean/5416346/story.html)

    Even accepting the premise that smart meters allow for more precise/higher billing, he has had no cogent answers to questions as to why some people should be entitled to subsidized power.

  2. Ottawa Girl says:

    I live in this riding. My fingers are crossed for Chiarelli. Also, I wasn’t very impressed by how Denley got into a condo high rise full of elderly voters. The old trick of waiting until a Sunday open house and the agent has to buzz you in to view the unit for sale.

    • Cynical says:

      I was under the impression that canvassers (including candidates) were entitled to entrance to multiple-unit dwellings under the elections act. God knows my (Liberal) candidate kept telling me this as we went door to door in OWN high-rises during the Federal Campaign. Just sayin’

    • Cynical says:

      BTW I am with you on Chiarelli. He’s a good, experienced pol, and we could do a lot worse. Like Ramble Dumbly!

      • Ottawa Girl says:

        I was the agent. All they had to do was ask me. Pretending to be buzzed in as a buyer in a secure building is just yucky. Now, if we could just get rid of Baird in my riding, I’d be really happy.

        • Attack! says:

          Well, they’re pretending to be able to deliver prudent fiscal governance, too, so pretending to be a prospective buyer to literally get their foot in the voters’ door is one o’ those ‘What About Bob?’ logical Baby Steps to getting there, I guess.

  3. Glen says:

    Don’t know why anyone would take on Chiarelli. Denley is only on temporary leave from the Citizen though, so he’s probably get a career’s worth of columns out of it!

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