Musings —09.13.2011 08:23 AM
—Sun News, Sept. 12: it’s about Hudak’s judgment
That should have been my first answer to David’s first question: that real reason the Tea Party Cons are dropping, and the reason why we’re moving up, is that voters are becoming familiar with Hudak’s judgment, and they don’t like what they see.
What’s your theory?
Centre-Left MSM realized that their laissez-faire behaviour at the start of campaigns resulted in Ford and Harper victories. Working overtime to prevent a trifecta.
The fact that Hudak comes across as less than premier material and McGuinty is and looks like a premier does not hurt. People will not vote for a preppy boy who does not look or sound like a leader. Unless Hudak image changes quickly – he should have turfed that goof who failed to disclose his and or his wife’s tax liabilities – easy Liberal minority, possibly Liberal majority.
The media has come out in favour of McGuinty? Are you sure you aren’t reading 2003 newspapers on your Internet Explorer? ‘Cause I sure am not seeing a lot of love for McGuinty. He’s got his work cut out for him and is winning over Ontarians (judging from all the recent polls) despite of the coverage by the media, not because of it.
Tim Hudak is a bigot. I see nothing wrong with immigrants paying less taxes than white males. That means that more immigrants will get hired and that will increase diversity. And the the more diversity there is, the easier it is for Liberals to win elections and harder for the bigoted Conservatives to win.
So affirmative action and tax credits for visible minorities are the way to go, as far as I’m concerned!
This is a fake comment from a conservative troll.
And yet most of the clapping seals on this site would agree with it.
Up yours
And yet everyone here is rebuking this obvious abortive attempt at concern trolling. It is no wonder you have to resort to a hypothetical since reality is undercutting your childish swipe.
Go fuck yourself.
An uninformed conservative troll. Hudak needs to get the word out to put down the shovels.
Geez…I think someone here is a passive aggressive Angry White Male!. Are you by chance a
typical member of Ford Nation complete with the Grade 9 education, a huge chip on our shoulder and a pathological (yet poorly reasoned or articulated) hated for immigration, bilingualism, multiculturalism, Quebec, gun control, women’s rights, gay rights, abortion rights, urban dwellers, renters, uses of public transportation, cyclists and those who have post-secondary education?.
Sorry my friend but women are NOT going back in the kitchen, visible minorities are NOT going
back to the back of the bus, aboriginals are NOT going back to their reservations, Quebecois are
NOT going back under the jackboot of the defunct British Empire and society is NOT, gays and lesbians are NOT going back in the closet…and society is NOT, I repeat is NOT, going back to being run exclusively by and for the benefit of WHITE MALES in general and highly assimilated, unilingual,
unhyphenated WHITE ANGLO SAXON PROTESTANT (WASP) MALES in particular. I say that as an invisible minority (i.e.; a White European from Serbia who is NOT of overprivledged WASP origin).
PS: The “white males” you so ignorantly referenced are included in the Ontario Liberal Party’s proposed
immigration tax credit. My husband, a White Male from Serbia and an architect with no Canadina job
experience would both qualify and benefit from it. Both my husband and I have blond hair and blue eyes.
Unless of course you only consider White Canadians of WASP origin who have surnames like Jones, Smith and Ford to be “white people” and “true Canadians”. Its a well known fact that Anglo-Saxon chauvinism dominates the Ontario PC Party.
wow. that gives scot a lot to stuff up his.
and may he enjoy it.
Are Serbian architects less educated and less skilled than Canadian architects? (Google translation available)
Apparently not. Why does it have to take years and more courses and more programs and tax credits until a foreign Diploma in Architecture is being recognized? That people can finally work? Luckily no “bodies” interfered with the great work of Canadian architect Frank Gehry – the Tower of 8 Spruce Street in Lower Manhattan, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, and the Dancing House in Prague might have never been built!
I wish you and your husband the very best, Jelena!
I was being sincere in my support of McGuinty’s policies regarding tax credits to new Canadians.
While some of these new Canadians happen to be white, the vast majority are of the visible minority contingent, and they will reap most of the benefits (and that’s a good thing).
So I support anything that advances multiculturalism and progressive values. Along with diluting the bigoted white male protestant party’s influence (the PCs) as streams new Canadians outvote them.
You must be so disappointed with McGuinty then. No affirmative action plans to make you happy.
I agree. It has nothing to do with McGuinty and everything to do with – once again – no credible or competent opposition.
It’s called the “sit back and wait for the other guy to fuck up” strategy.
Sounds like the story at the federal level too. The Grits keep putting up terrible leaders – not to say that they are terrible people, but they are hard to sell – and the NDP has been unsuccessful in selling their brand as mainstream (except in Quebec). As a result, the Harper tories walk to victories without breaking a sweat.
Manitoba and BC have NDP as mainstream, with Manitoba leaning towards an NDP landslide. Of course, the provincial NDP in Manitoba have policies remarkably like the Ontario Liberals.
“Manitoba and BC have NDP as mainstream, with Manitoba leaning towards an NDP landslide. Of course, the provincial NDP in Manitoba have policies remarkably like the Ontario Liberals.”
Please be more specific.
It’s overly simplistic for people to characterize the 12 years of NDP rule in MB as Liberal in nature. It’s true that they destroyed the Liberal party and therefore occupy the broad center, but that’s not the same as saying that they have followed Liberal policies.
The NDP under Doer and now Sellinger have never been disliked like McGuinty apparently is/was in Ontario and that speaks volumes to how they are different. They have hardly made any mistakes in 12 years and will be awarded a 4th term on Oct. 4th.
Its interesting that we are seeing something that we were told was impossible – the Ontario Liberals moving back into the lead AND the NDP at an all-time (or at least all-time since about 1993) high of 24% or so. The cv used to be that the ONLY way for the Liberals to get back in the game was to suppress the NDP vote. Turns out that is not necessary at all. Believe it or not Liberals are actually able to get people to switch from PC to Liberal and on top of that as Hudak gets discredited – I think the NDP is starting to hoover up a chunk of the anti-government vote that had been parked with the PCs. When you start to see Hudak attacking the NDP you will know that the Tories are losing some of the “change” vote to the NDP.
We’re a long way from the ballot box just yet.
I fine not taking an inventory of eggs right now.
Exactly. It’s not even Week One over yet.
Any Libs reading this? GET BACK TO WORK.
I think you are bang on Warren. Judgement = Leadership and Leadership = Judgement. Or vice-versa
Q: Is it better for Randy’s Rural Revolutionaries to be a reactionary rump third party in second or third place, in order to advance their agenda without couching, or is it better for them to compromise and shut up within the limitations and responsibilities of power? Serious question.
Depends what you want.
Third party rump is better for the Liberals electoral chances, worse for the PCs electoral chances.
But, if federal history is any guide, a far right third party rump is better for fiscal conservativism: the Chretien Liberals were far more fiscally conservative and responsible with a Reform opposition than either Mulroney or Harper were with no one further to their right.
Fortunately, McGuinty Liberals do have, and will continue to have, a far-right third party rump, headed by Tim Hudak, on their right. After this election, they will also have a strong, pragmatic, progressive partner on their left. The best of all worlds
I think the New Democrats are syphoning off a lot of the “change” sentiment that would otherwise have supported the Cons. People realize that “change” doesn’t have to mean changing into a tea party nutbar. If you don’t like the effect HST and gas prices are having on low income seniors, but you do want to pursue more fair ways of moving off fossil fuels, you have a progressive alternative. If are simply tired of Dalton, but don’t want sleazy frat-boy Tim as Premier, you can opt for the good-hearted girl next door, Andrea.
I think we’re headed for some sort of minority working arrangement involving the NDP and Liberals. Perhaps progressively graduated hydro rates (going up for high-energy usage) and an HST exemption for low-income people.
It’s because nobody knew what Hudak really was like before now. Now he’s out in the open and his toxic personality and ideas don’t work.
If even conservatives are showing disdain for him you know he’s in trouble.
In a little tiny way, I feel for sorry for the Progressive Conservatives. They really are trapped between sensible, practical Tories and radical Tea Partiers.
John Tory is/was a good man and may have been a good Premier, but he had to push for radical right-wing policies that you just knew were being forced upon him by that right wing element, the element that eventually pushed him out. Same with Eves: a centrist/red Tory the far right killed it for him as well (though there was much more).
With Hudak, you just can’t tell where he stands. I don’t know whether his enormous number of flip flops are because he just isn’t certain about where he stands on anything and changes his mind (again and again and again) on the big issues of the day, or whether he stakes out a reasonable position that has the support of Ontarians only to have the Hilliers beat him up and force him to take the very opposition position. Either way, it is a sign of no leadership abilities, but it’s a tough ship to sail and Hudak is no sailor.