11.03.2011 10:38 AM

Dean del Scumbag doesn’t go to a Catholic church (updated)

Well, well, well.  Isn’t that interesting.

Yesterday, as the whole country saw, the bovine Peterborough Conservative MP – who is Stephen Harper’s Parliamentary Secretary – had attacked Justin Trudeau’s Catholicism.  He said Justin wasn’t a good Catholic. Justin and me and not a few others were plenty unhappy about that.

So, within minutes, someone pointed out to me that Del Scumbag had violated one Church teaching, and voted for the death penalty.

Not long after, I started to hear from plenty of Peterborough folks about other ways in which the troglodyte’s life was not exactly, um, illuminated by the light of the catechism.  One of the stories I heard bowled me over.  And, this morning, someone sent me proof.

Dean, you see, doesn’t even go to Catholic Mass.  Hasn’t for a long time.  That means, unless I’m missing something, the self-professed uber-Catholic doesn’t observe the sacraments – while Justin Trudeau does.

Cornered by a terrific reporter at the excellent local paper, The Examiner, Del Scumbag finally admitted what many residents of Peterborough already knew – he doesn’t even “belong” to a Catholic church anymore.  Quote:

“The Examiner has received several calls about what church the MP attends since he met with the Pope at the Vatican on Saturday, after the G8 summit in Italy…Del Mastro said he’s a member of the congregation at Calvary Pentecostal Church.”

Oh, but he’s great “friends” with the Bishop, mind you.  He said so in a written statement.  That’s nice.

Anyway.  For me and others, Del Scumbag’s rank hypocrisy has rendered him the new Benedict Baldy, and we have jointly committed ourselves to – pardon the pun – making his life a living Hell.

Next up: sponsorship, a park, and Del Scumbag’s Conservative Party hockey team!

UPDATE: Fern Hill – who, with GritChik, made the life of Del Scumbag’s pal Tim Hudak positively Hellish (there’s that word again) during the provincial election – offered this up yesterday about what Catholic leadership in Peterborough think about Del Scumbag’s Catholicism:

A Roman Catholic in “good standing” must attend mass every Sunday and holy day of obligation, says the vicar general of the Diocese of Peterborough. “There is nothing to stop a Catholic person from attending services elsewhere if he or she chooses to do so. However, Catholics are still required to attend Catholic mass every Sunday and holy day of obligation,” said Father Raymond Rick. “You’re either a Catholic who is practising his faith or you’re not.” [Examiner, July 17, 2009]

UPDATER: Nobody’s asked, but I’ll say so anyway: yes, I’ll pray for this conservative hypocrite in church this coming Sunday – just I prayed, last Sunday, for all the other conservatives I detest.  Then, like all good liberation theology Catholics, and all followers of Teilhard de Chardin, I will go out and do all I can to ensure that conservatives Del Scumbag are beaten into dust.  Metaphorically speaking, of course.


  1. pcase says:

    Go go go!!! He is the worst of the worst, even less palatable than the Crooked Clement.

    Although, I think if you spent half the time you spend on this bozo, you would unearth some career killing deets about Clement as well.

    As I said before -go go go!!

  2. Fat Arse says:

    Folly sir, sheer folly. Trying to hold Del Mastro & others within Harper’s cabal to reasonable standards that make what they say gel with their actions is like trying to get water from a rock.

  3. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    As I have stated here many times before, and will continue to state, the real power behind the Conservative Party of Canada are the Fundamentalist Christian Churches of Canada……

    Anyone who doesnt follow their belief system is open to attack…….Mr. Del Maesto’s attack on M. Trudeau’s catholicism is a prime example of this….

    Reform founder and Pentacostal church member Preston Manning said in order to achieve power, Reformers had to be “as silent as snakes”….they indeed have been, but now we see the true fundamentalist coming to the fore…..

    • The Doctor says:

      So when are they going to outlaw abortion? Any predictions?

      • Warren says:

        It’ll be a PMB. That’s how they roll.

        • The Doctor says:

          I notice you didn’t say when. But anyway, I guess your prediction is, a private member’s bill will be tabled — by a Conservative MP, presumably — which will propose to re-criminalize abortion? And that bill will reach an actual final vote in the HOC?

          • Warren says:

            They won’t be that direct. It’ll be to create criminal liability, say, for intentional harm done to a fetus. That is, do through the back door what they can’t through the front door.

            When? Beats me. But with 80 per cent of his caucus anti-choice, it’s coming.

          • frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

            Id put money on it Doc……payback to the fundies has to come sooner or later…….

          • Warren says:

            I could be wrong. have been before. But the critical mass of votes are there in your caucus to do it.

          • Ted says:

            In some polls, Gord, a lot of Canadians do agree with the statement “there outta be a law!” when put to them.

            But the moment you put the real consequences of “some kind of law” in front of us, Canadians recoil. As soon as you ask, would you put a woman in jail for having an abortion, the vast majority do not support the law.

            Which is why the Harper government has gone to such pains to promise to Canadians that it will remain a pro-choice government and will not even allow a private member’s bill to pass.

            Which is why I agree with Warren that they will try the backdoor route. At some point, the religicons are going to start speaking up and demanding more now that there is a majority government.

            Oh, look. They already have.

          • smelter rat says:

            Gord, as a male ( I presume), please tell me why you hae any interest in what a woman does with her body.

          • The Doctor says:

            I guess the problem I have with this “backdoor route” theory is this: first of all, it implies that it would be a deliberate “strategy” of the Harper government. That it turn implies that there’s some political rationale for “doing it” that way. So what’s the rationale for doing it that way? Limiting political damage? That’s where you completely lose me. I just don’t see how opening up the abortion debate via the “back door” results in any less political damage in the long run than opening up the debate via the front door.

            IMO, no matter the route with which you re-open the abortion debate, the basic result will be the same: a hugely ugly, contentious, flesh-ripping debate is opened up, and that’s the one that Harper has presumably wanted to avoid via his explicit campaign promise and platform plank — which is reasonably long in the tooth now — not to bring in a new law restricting abortion.

            It’s true enough I suppose that Harper can say he didn’t bring in a new law if a private member tables a bill that’s going to be treated like any other PMB. But in that case I wonder about its survival. But then if such a PMB really did have legs, the ensuing debate would be all-consuming and would suck the oxygen right out of Parliament Hill. I can’t imagine that Harper would want that to happen, because that would take on such a life of its own, and Harper is such a control freak.

          • Cameron Prymak says:

            “As long as I am prime minister we are not opening the abortion debate,” Mr. Harper declared. “The government will not bring forward any such legislation and any such legislation that is brought forward will be defeated as long as I am prime minister.”


          • smelter rat says:

            @Gord, I believe the government has no business in the wombs of the nation. Abortion is a never ending wedge issue for the fundies, designed to keep the masses occupied while more important matters are dealt with behind closed doors or ignored altogether. I despise the hypocrisy of right whingers who demand the right to life for a fetus, and in the same breath demand the death penalty be reinstated.

          • smelter rat says:

            Gord, you are making no sense at all. Colour me surprised.

    • fern hill says:

      If I may. . . I’ve been blogging on human and women’s rights (and politics in general) for quite a while now. There have been two recent backdoor attempts to open the abortion debate under this government, both PMBs. One by Ken Epp (C-484) that would count the fetus as a separate person in cases of injury to the incubator/woman. That one passed second reading because pro-choice forces were late to the party and couldn’t get ordinary Canadians to see sufficient danger in it. Then Parliament was dissolved and it went away. The second was Bruinooge’s pure bullshit Roxanne’s Law (can’t remember the number) that would outlaw ‘coerced’ abortion and man, are quotation marks essential in that phrase. Pro-choice forces were alert on that one, coming as it did fairly soon after Epp’s.

      In both cases, the fetus fetishists (as we call them) got all stoked, no doubt opened their wallets and had the fleeting feeling that the Contempt Party was finally listening to them and would do something about the wholesale murder of preborn baybeez.

      Alas, Harper again pulled the ‘not reopening the debate’ stunt and they were thwarted again.

      But, note, he refused to include abortion funding in the G8 maternal health initiative, refused funding for International Planned Parenthood until they came up with a proposal to work only in countries that already outlawed abortion, and let Brad Trost off the leash long enough to talk about defunding PP.

      The abortion debate is NEVER dead. Cons let it out to rev up the troops, make some money, then back off. It’s like the LGR, a cash cow. (And frankly, I’m surprised they seem to be about to actually kill it, when it’s been so very good to them.)

      Sorry to be long-winded, but I know a few things about this shit. Here’s a link that will get interested readers going: http://scathinglywrongrightwingnutz.blogspot.com/2011/04/exactly-how-would-stevie-guarantee-anti.html

      • Warren says:

        You are so awesome. And you are welcome here anytime.

      • Sean says:

        “make some money, then back off.”


      • Jan says:

        The Candice Hoeppner bill disproves that statement. doesn’t it?

      • Jan says:

        Given that, how do you explain the Candice Hoeppner bill?

      • The Doctor says:

        fern, I agree with many of your points, but your equating the LGR issue with the abortion issue does have some weaknesses. Most importantly, of course, the CPC has been totally up-front and consistent from day one that it wanted the LGR scrapped. It campaigned on that as a policy, and it is following through on that promise as we speak.

        Conversely, the CPC has, via explicit language in its campaign platforms stated that it does NOT support bringing in any law restricting abortion. And so far, it’s been good on its word.

        I wouldn’t be surprised if some individual CPC MPs who happen to oppose abortion in a big way have raised money on that basis and, of course, rallied their supporters. But I am not aware of any instance where the CPC at the national level has made a fundraising pitch based on opposition to abortion. Are you? It would be quite the news scoop if that were the case, given that that would completely contradict explicit campaign promises on the issue. So again, your comment about the abortion issue being some sort of fundraising device for the CPC isn’t really supported by the facts. I agree that it is used this way by Republicans in the US.

        And for the record, I’m pro-gun control and vehemently pro-choice.

        • fern hill says:

          I just meant that LGR was a huge cash cow for them and hard to give up.

          On abortion, you’re right. Nothing national that I know of, but tons of nod-nod, wink-wink.

          Here’s a list of anti-choice MPs compiled by a pro-choice coalition: http://www.arcc-cdac.ca/action/list-antichoice-mps-may-11.html

          And here’s one compiled by anti-choice: http://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/index.php?p=Federal_Candidate_Evaluations

          Look at the questions they ask. A lot of them are ‘around’ abortion: conscience legislation, funding, abortion-related PMBs they’ve voted on. Nod-nod.

          Some campaign forthrightly about abortion. Brad Trost bragged to constituents during the election that he ‘knew’ PP would be defunded, because of his good work, of course. And CPC did defund international PP. Promise kept. Wink-wink.

          Federally, there is a shadowy ‘Pro-Life Caucus’. We don’t know who they are or how many there are. Presumably, the rabid fetus fetishists like Trost, Bruinooge, Vellacott, Del Scumbag and let us not forget, there are at least 10 Libs in that gang.

          For voters whose number 1 issue is abortion — and there are a bunch of them, not as many as in the US, but enough — who they gonna vote for and donate to, if not CPC?

          And another scary thing: the massive inroads fundies have made into government. Charles McVety for example *shudder*. They’ve got some deep pockets.

          Forgive my paranoia, but after Epp’s PMB almost passed — opening the door to abortion regulations a la USA — I worry. I don’t trust their ‘won’t reopen the debate’ BS as far as I could throw Dean Del Scumbag. If they could get away with it, they would reopen the debate in a heartbeat (sick joke). Here’s a press release from early October on just that. http://wewantthedebate.ca/?p=1

  4. fern hill says:

    Heh. Beat you to it. http://scathinglywrongrightwingnutz.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-low-will-they-go.html

    That Dino the Dinosaur attends a fundy church should be more widely known, doncha think?

  5. Ted H says:

    I believe the oil spot the Conservatives used in their ads attacking Dion’s Green Shift was actually based on a photo of Mr. Del Mastro.

  6. Tim Sullivan says:

    Doesn’t his not being Catholic make him the worst kind of Catholic? There are a few problems with his not keeping to his own congregational knitting … 1) he is holding someone else up to a standard he helmself is unwilling to bear, making him at best a hypocrit 2) espousing that someone else is a better Catholic (in this case, Jason Kenny) betrays that Catholicism is worth being, showing him as a) judgmental and b) inconsistent (at best) in his devotional choice and 3) the worst kind of caucus partner 4) He is assuming everything about a Catholic school is about being a Catholic, a rather narrow view of Catholicism and the constitutionally required separate school system in Ontario. (An aside: Are the Cons preparing their provincial brethren for an assault on the separate school system?).

    Let me elaborate on 3). It is no small secret that Christian fundamentalists go places within the Harper clique (from my point of view). Dean DM is pointing out by referencing Kenny as the better Catholic that a) Kenny is a Catholic, Mr. Harper, so please, tread lightly with his career and the trust you have in him, he cannot be trusted and b) as good a Catholic as Kenny is, he does not merit an invitation to speak where Trudeau is invited, several times. A bit of a slam on Kenny by Dean DM, methinks.

  7. JR says:

    In defence of Del Mastro, at least he practices charity.

    The way he selflessly gave away the resources of his office, as provided by the people of Canada, to commission a push pull in aid of the needy and less fortunate Alan Wilson’s failed bid to win Peterborough in the 2011 Ontario PROVINCIAL election… well, he’s practically St. Dean of the Hog Trough.

    Do each of his election wins count as miracles, or does his electability only account for only one? Can one of the theologians at the PMO please clarify?

  8. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    re: Update…….God Bless you, Mr. Kinsella!….Smite them!…..

  9. peter paul says:

    A “liberation theology Catholic”? I’d say you’re more of a “scumbag conservative beating into dust” Catholic.

    • Warren says:

      Heh. My fave Godfather scene, appropos of nothing, is when Michael’s child is being baptized, and he’s simultaneously wiping out all of his opposition.

      • Paul Oddi says:

        Warren, in the Godfather it is actually Connie’s son who is being baptized. Michael is the Godfather to Connie’s baby. Michael speaks for his Godson Micheal Ricci (sp?) in renouncing Satin and all his evil works. This is my favourite scene as well.

  10. fern hill says:

    Went looking and found this: Here’s the ‘better Catholic’ according to Del Scumbag. Dig vintage vid. http://scathinglywrongrightwingnutz.blogspot.com/2011/04/of-religious-fanatics-in-conservative.html

  11. Ken says:

    Ruh-roh. Warren’s pissed. Loves it!

    When you’re done with Del A$$hole, there are nine other CPC MP’s that could use takedowns, too, and nothing to do with religion. (And this is just the top ten list.)

  12. patrickDeberg says:

    Well the least you can say is they must be good Catholics cause so many porcine tories seemed to be pigging out on the hosts. Not consecrated mind you…………

  13. Jon Powers says:

    No one can claim Justin Trudeau is a bad Catholic. He’s the son of God, afterall. Or so my Liberal friends seem inclined to believe.

  14. Iris Mclean says:

    Being a devout atheist, this whole issue seems so strange to me.

    • The Doctor says:

      In the immortal words of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards:

      “I watched with glee
      While your Kings and Queens
      Fought for ten decades
      For the Gods they made”

  15. nez1 says:

    I have been sadly anticipatiing the revenge of the fundies for some time. Maybe they like power more than alienating a whole bunch of people who voted for them, yet aren’t knuclke-draggers….
    or so I hope….
    Voted Tory once, but I was only 18. I got better.

  16. ASME says:

    Religion…that means any religion does NOT have a place within politics unless of course, there is a cruscade to convert all. If that were ever to happen…what dictatorship that would be.

  17. Greg says:

    As a Catholic (admittedly not a “good” one) I am offended by Del Maestro’s nerve. He deserves everything he is getting.

  18. Michael S says:

    Watch out for line item funding in the next round of health care talks. The Supreme court has already ruled three times on abortion, not once: The Morgentaler case, the Sullivan case and the Daigle case. In each case the decision relied on the born alive rule, inherited from English common law, to determine that the fetus was not a person. A Supreme Court decision reversing the born alive rule also nullifies almost all decisions based on English common law. In other words, such a decision destroys the legal system.

    Watch instead for legislation that will allow the provinces to defund abortion. You can’t make it illegal, but there is no legal requirement to pay for it. PEI already does this, through the back door, but “line item funding’ would be a ploy to mobilize the right-to-lifers at the provincial level. They’ve already won the Federal prize. They won’t win Quebec with this, but look out for New Brunswick, Alberta, BC, and Ontario to go towards wedge politics on this issue.

    The private member’s bill will be subtle and about MONEY.

    • frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

      With the ascendancy of the Conservative Party of BC, esp if John Cummins remains as leader, this scenario may indeed come to pass.

      • The Doctor says:

        I don’t think the BC provincial Conservative party is much of a threat to actually get in power. The polls certainly don’t suggest that. Overwhelmingly, the thing that the BC Cons are most likely to accomplish is ensure that the NDP wins the next BC provincial election. That’s the same thing that the BC Reform Party did in the 1990s — split the centre-right vote, laying down the red carpet for the NDP.

        Just about the only thing I like about the BC NDP is that they have been consistent defenders of abortion rights.

    • fern hill says:

      Yes, whatever tack is taken, it will focus on money. Here in Ontario recently there was a rally to ‘Defund Abortion’ and a (spun) poll saying Ontarians support it. Whenever the fetus fetishists poll about abortion in general, they get dismal (for their purposes) results on all questions except funding. Most Canadians still support abortion funding, but for different purposes, e.g. some approve of funding in cases of emergency only. In short, funding is the Wedge. Exactly as it’s been in the US. To such disgusting effects.

      Here are two recent posts: one on the poll, one on the rally.



      BTW, the provinces’ ability to defund abortion was the reason I went after Tim (‘I may have signed a defund abortion petition’) Hudork so hard. He could. It’s been done. It can be done again. Look what’s going on in New Brunswick. NB is in blatant non-compliance with the Canada Health Act and only Dr Morgentaler is taking them on in court. For years.

  19. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    Harper and his parliamentary lackey Del Mastro must be taking some heat on this…..normally when I email the PM, if I get a response(usually canned but sometimes not) it is in a day or three…..Within hours, I received a canned response to my email stating my disgust with Mr. Del Mastro.

    I suspect a public apology by Mr. Del Mastro will be forthcoming.

  20. Mike Sloan says:

    I knew Dean’s dad, Hank, growing up in the Peterborough area. He was one of the most likeable, approachable, and nicest guys you could meet. He was not an outwardly political type, so I have no idea how he may have voted. Anyway, he passed away of cancer at an early age; it was a sad time for those of us involved in the auto industry in the area.

    I didn’t know Hank well, but well enough to know that he would not be thrilled about this moronic debate. Dean was young when his dad died, and frankly, I’ve wondered if he behaves as he does because of that reality. I’m not excusing him, I think he’s rude, pushy, petty and totally out of line.

  21. GEC says:

    Dont forget that our current Justice Minister is a very radical religious fanatic. He thinks “our youth are out of control” and has publicly stated that he is just started changing the criminal code of Canada. I know Nicholson gets his marching orders from the PMO but I also know that his views are extreme and authoritarian. It is estimated that 75 to 80 of the radical Tory caucus are religious fundamentalists and the recent outburst by 3 western MP’s concerning the abortion issue was certainly approved by the Prime Minister first. Harper will do anything to shove his views down the throats of Canadians even to the point of destruction of the country. I truly fear for Canada.

    • The Doctor says:

      “It is estimated that 75 to 80 of the radical Tory caucus are religious fundamentalists ”

      By whom?

      • GEC says:

        If you know of any additions or corrections to this list of Members of Parliament, please let us know.
        British Columbia
        Jim Abbott
        John Cummins
        Stockwell Day
        Ed Fast
        Richard Harris
        Russ Hiebert
        Jay Hill
        Randy Kamp
        James Lunney
        Colin Mayes
        Chuck Strahl
        Mark Warawa
        John Weston
        Alice Wong
        Diane Ablonczy
        Rona Ambrose
        Leon Benoit
        Stephen Harper
        Rob Merrifield
        LaVar Payne
        Kevin Sorenson
        David Anderson
        Kelly Block
        Garry Breitkreuz
        Ed Komarnicki
        Brad Trost
        Maurice Vellacott
        Rod Bruinooge
        Steven Fletcher
        Candice Hoeppner
        Joy Smith
        Vic Toews
        Harold Albrecht
        Dean Allison
        Gordon Brown
        Dean Del Mastro
        Gary Goodyear
        Ben Lobb
        John McKay
        Rob Nicholson
        Bev Shipley
        David Sweet
        Dave Van Kesteren
        Jeff Watson
        New Brunswick
        Rob Moore

        There is 45 of them from a right wing religious web site and it is an old list from before the last election.

        To quote “With funding from a handful of conservative Christian philanthropists and a web of grassroots believers accustomed to tithing in the service of their faith, those organizations have built sophisticated databases and online networks capable of mobilizing their forces behind specific legislation with instant e-mail alerts and updates. Setting up an array of internship programs, they are also training a new generation of activists to be savvier than their secular peers in navigating the corridors of power. Already, their alumni have landed top jobs in the public service, MPs’ offices and the PMO, prompting one official from the National House of Prayer to boast in an unguarded moment, “If the media knew how many Christians there are in the government, they’d go crazy.”

        • The Doctor says:

          I think you’re using an extremely wide definition of “evangelical Christian” and “Christian fundamentalists” there. Del Mastro, e.g., is a Catholic. That is not considered to be an evangelical Christian denomination. I mean, if you’re going to call Roman Catholics fundies then guess what, Pierre Trudeau was a fundamentalist Christian.

          I also note that a number of the MPs on that list are no longer sitting MPs (e.g., Stockwell Day, John Cummins).

          I also note that your list has only 45 MPs (and subtract from that number the MPs listed who are no longer sitting MPs, and the number is even lower). What happened to your estimate of 75 to 80?

  22. Ken says:

    October 19, 2015.

  23. antuerius says:

    From Catholic to Pentacostal, that is indeed schizmatic. Are there any rituals or ceremonies required? Deano would probably be late. Back in the day, I suffered the misfortune of attending a separate/catholic grade school for a few years with Deano. On the school bus route, unlike all the other kids, Deano was always late. Their land-grant farm had a long lane, and every morning everyone on the bus had to watch him run the length of the lane with his books falling, clothes dragging, head thrown back in a state of ever recurring self-inflicted dismay. All the kids on the bus would put down the windows and hail him to hurry; yet he seemed to develop a perverse preference for negative attention. When he would finally arrive at the bus, he would smile fatly and play buffoon at the disenchantment of the entire population of students. His relationships with many of the kids was distant at best; in class, on the bus, in the yard at recess and on the occasions where the priest invited us to cut class for a little relatively easy church going. He was constantly in trouble. Not an especially violent element, but persistently involved in scandals of error and abrogation of known rules and protocols. Usually, there was social surprise when a kid went wrong and caught heck; but it wasn’t so with Deano, he seemed publicly known among us to destined to be a criminal. No one could set him straight, and on the bus no one really wanted to sit with him because of the social stigma and potential problems by association. He was left to sit with a very strange would-be rich kid who’s parents constantly dressed him inappropriately in a li’l-man suit all in blue. They went through further channels to clear special performance time for our edification on a few of his piano grades using his shiny electronic organ for inspiring hymnals. He was arguably even worse than Deano, with an existential overly quiet sneaky feel that put everyone off. He expressed inordinate interest at recess in the sins of other kids, and gave the impression of an unstable or stealth sociopathic character. They sat together and often whispered between themselves. There were hard lives and difficult turns at that school; but Deano wasn’t perceived as a troubled kid so much as a negative opportunist exploiting the attention economy. No one seemed to be able to set him straight, nor find a way to honestly admire him nor appreciate his evacuating presence. Having left that community, it was quite a blow to learn later that Deano is in charge of anything, let alone our hard earned national community of Canada. What is more, it is an especially sour fact that he regularly interacts with his negative force with contributing, ennobling and intellectually sound Canadians in our Culture. The especially shaming, blush inducing, interview with Margret Atwood on Copyright Law, for instance. It is an incredulous fact that this most terrible of children has somehow managed a grip, however brief or forgettable, on the nation; and will retire with an MP pension and eats 90$ lunches on expenditure requiring no receipt — let alone economic rationale. If 90$ lunches are the index, this reality speaks great facts to the need in our fixed retirement pensions, unemployment insurance, general welfare and disability remittances. Despite his exodus to a more convenient faith, I cannot recall ever noticing Deano in an early stage relationship, except with the overdressed piano kid; so I doubt his opinions on reproductive rights are informed by anything more than his bride or his mother. “Hurry-up Deano, you’re late for the bus, again!”

  24. Arnold Murphy says:

    Keep em separated, politics and religion don’t mix. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN32lLUOBzQ

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