11.16.2011 11:30 AM

You can take the boy out of Frank magazine, etc. (updated twice)

What a piece of work Glen McGregor is. How is this news?

I think it’s just about time to publicize my recent correspondence with this jerk, and my less-recent experiences – such as when he publicized my family’s home address, thereby helping neo-Nazis I’d written about here to find us.

From the archives – what happened after McGregor published our home address:

Glebe park closed to foil rumored supremacist picnic

The Ottawa Citizen
Sat May 28 1994
Byline: Carolyn Abraham

In an unusual move, the City of Ottawa has decided to close one of its parks this weekend to foil alleged white supremacist plans for a Saturday evening picnic.

In response to an Ottawa police request Thursday, the city’s administrators decided to close Glebe Memorial Park today and Sunday, erecting barricades and signs reading: No Trespassing.

It was the first case of a park being closed to protect public safety that city and police officials could recall.

Ottawa police made the rare request after a flyer, allegedly from white supremacist groups, was distributed announcing plans to hold a “picnic and midtown stroll at the park at Percy and Chamberlain streets.

The flyer said the event was to “support young White families victimized by RACIST job quotas join 300-400 White families in celebrating our European heritage.

But Ottawa Insp. Patrick Moyle says the picnic was more likely intended to harass author Warren Kinsella, whose home backs on to the Glebe park — an uncommon spot for demonstrations or rallies.

Moyle said Kinsella has been targetted by white supremacists and received threats against his property since his bookWeb of Hate: Inside Canada’s Far Right Network was released earlier this year.

It was to protect Kinsella and his home that police asked the city to close the park. Moyle said police would find it “very difficult to defend Kinsella’s property should a gathering of white supremacists grow threatening adjacent to his backyard.”

When he learned of the park closing Friday, Kinsella said, “It was a prudent thing to do. I was concerned, especially for people who live in the neighborhood. It is distressing.”.

UPDATE: Poor Glen is upset. He has emailed and telephoned me to say that I have mischaracterized the email he sent to me about my private life, back in January. He says “I am happy to post it on my blog,” quote unquote. I’ll bet he is – in that way, he can circulate the results of his investigation into my private life to a wider audience, thereby building on his stellar reputation as the guy who cooked up the “rape Caroline Mulroney” contest. In that January 22 email, he tells me I “look silly” and then relates all sorts of detail that he could have only obtained through such an investigation. One: no, Glen, you don’t have my permission to publish stuff about my private life. Two, get a life.

UPDATED: He’s now sent another email that seems to threaten a libel action. Go to it, pal. We’d love to get you in Discovery to recount what folks in the Hot Room have told me and others.


  1. Roger says:

    Why not keep the park open…invite some friends for beers….and hurl dog poop over the fence at them?….assuming you have a fence…otherwise…disregard…

  2. Dan says:

    In America, Nazi terrorism is protected by the constitution, and the ordinary right to protest isn’t.

    In a few days, Canada will decide exactly the opposite. I like living here.

  3. Steven says:

    I agree Warren, this McGregor guy appears to be out of control, he is not stable, he did a story about Harpers Face book page that I thought was bizarre, how could that possibly be news or something to write about.

    I think his employer needs to take him to school he is not credible.

  4. Ted says:

    That was my reaction as well. How is this news? And equally turned off by National Newswatch for putting it as not just a news item, but currently the top news item.

    • Glen says:

      In Ottawa – and in the Ottawa Citizen – it is news. There are lots of bureaucrats who love to read about what’s going on below the equator on Parliament Hill.

      Certainly not national news but still of interest to a small segment of people here, particularly those who follow McGregor.

      You people aren’t stupid. You know the direction reporting has taken in recent years.

      • Terraderma says:

        So, keep bandying to those soft-headed bureaus, then. The rest of us would like to think that good work is being done at the Federal level (sarcasm!). This from the Good Family Values group. On the contrary, you people ARE stupid.

        What a bunch of freaking libido lopping animals.

  5. Trevor says:

    Dear Warren,

    I was under the impression that you lived in Toronto. I thought you wrote in a posting once that you lived
    in the Beaches area of Toronto?.

    Anyway, I hope that members of Anti-Racist Action will turn up in large number to counter these White Supremacists. It should be quite a show if arch rivals Paul Fromm and David Lethbridge both show up
    to this event at the same time!.


    • Pat says:

      That story is old, from when Warren was in Ottawa. Web of Hate is a few years old now…

    • Kevin says:

      Yes, that was in 1994. I was in the Anti-Racist march organized to protest against the gathering. Last one I ever went on. The trouble with anti-racist marches (and many others) is that they get hijacked by the International Socialists, who get in between the legitimate protesters and any media, with their distinctive placards, and so the whole march looks like it was the brainchild of the IS. I don’t like having my voice taken away from me.

      Also, we marched past Flora MacDonald’s house where she was on the porch cheering us on. One pea-brain in front of me shouted to her “Tory sh1t” and I almost clobbered the pea-brain with my sign. I’m not a Tory supporter (did vote Tory once but in my defence it was for Maureen McTeer) but to me Flora was and is a good’un.

      • Warren says:

        I remember, too. Told the IS leader (Brian) that I didn’t want them marching to my house to surround it and “protect” me. I said that was just a media stunt and wouldn’t help anyone, other thank upset my neighbours.

        He told me it didn’t matter what I thought, there was a bigger cause at stake.

        “Fine,” I said, “but I would hold a press conference and denounce you if you do that.”

        He didn’t do it after all. Ha.

  6. Michael S says:

    Dude, I live on Renfrew, half a block from there. The only supremacists at Glebe Memorial these days are the soccer moms and dads freaking out over the hippie community garden.

  7. Glen says:

    Soccer moms you say?

  8. Michael S says:

    It’s a nice neighborhood and a nice park. The soccer folk think that they can have it to themselves, and fought like hell to keep the community garden out. But the community gardeners, who share a postage-stamp sized space, are there in summer long after the soccer kids are in bed. They keep the rubbies and the teenagers out, as the latter seem to be intimidated by 50 year old women with green thumbs.

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