Musings —12.13.2011 09:24 AM
—Toronto Tactless Commission
Does the above, seen of the front pages of newspapers across Toronto this morning, make you ill? It does me. I think the couple – who decided to bump uglies in the full view of commuters on the Bloor-Danforth line, mid-afternoon – should be imprisoned for life.
I’m a prude. Not only do I oppose most pornography, I also favour categorizing PDAs as a criminal offence.
I subscribe to George Bernard Shaw’s maxim: “The position is ridiculous, and the pleasure is momentary.”
What do you think? Vote in our super-scientific poll, below!
Or all of the above. What’s a little ambivalence now and then.
Okay, transit geek alert: that’s not the Bloor-Danforth line. They’re doing it on the platform of Spadina station, but it’s the Spadina station on the Spadina line. I can tell because of the wall tile.
Why are you all looking at me?
OMG you worry me.
I worry myself sometimes.
Was going to say the same thing actually! Thanks for keeping it straight for us transit geeks James!
Occasionally you meet some real pigs. Obviously a zipper problem. I wonder whether they’ve applied for a Mile High Club Membership Card.
And it’s so dirty! Doesn’t anyone believe in hygiene?
“so dirty” – the platform, the act or the bare butt? I assume the platform has been swiped by city workers. The act itself is executed in a quite bourgeois position. And the bum?- reminds me of a baby wipes’ ad.
The Brits of course – shame on them – are brazen enough to show his polished round ass, and call the endeavor in fancy French “liaisons”:
The comment section is priceless – Toronto makes headlines around the World 🙂
No, you have to experience how filthy our subway system can be. Montreal’s, comparatively, is like a hospital operating room.
I dunno, I think whatever disease they caught by doin’ it on the floor of a subway station (ugh!) may be punishment enough…
Public sex? Ban it, no brainer there. Pornography and PDAs? Perhaps worthy of banning…if you’re in Iran or Saudi Arabia.
And more specific to this, hey, you two! Out of the gene pool!
You’re on to something here Warren. Sexuality is icky. In fact, why don’t we illegalize all forms of public affection? The sight of folks in the throes of passion makes my skin crawl. And wouldn’t that be simpler if everyone just dressed down a little? I mean, maybe women should take the time in the morning to cover up so as not to provoke such wanton depravity? Maybe they could wear . . . I don’t know . . . veils or something. Or even cover their faces, so that their eyes don’t entice the fragile explosive libidinous impulse that drives most men mad. Yeah, that’s it. Maybe women should wear burquas, and men should be separated entirely from them in their places of business, worship, and recreation. That’s the ticket. Not. I’d rather put up with a little sex on the subway. Reminds us that we’re all just human – if not beautiful. But then again, I’m not known for my p’tit bourgeois epistemology, my papist friend! (You still owe me lunch!)
You’re a pervert, Mraz. I’m telling Jason Kenney about you.
As John Lennon once sang “why don’t we do it in the road?”
Paul McCartney actually… One of those Helter Skelter moments.
I too find it gross. If I stared long enough, it might turn me off sex…but I don’t and it doesn’t.
I also don’t care that much. Why the outrage? A couple of people doing something tasteless? Meh..
“Paul McCartney actually… One of those Helter Skelter moments.”
Exactly. People tend to think that every “edgy” Beatles song was a John Lennon song. Not so.
Clearly it’s been a slow news week. Do a couple who’ve had a few too many and find themselves in LURVE really deserve the front page of the paper? Really? There’s nothing else more important than this in Toronto today?