Musings —02.20.2012 10:56 AM
—When news organizations call Chinese people “chinks”
As everyone knows by now, ESPN did the right thing:
So, have Maclean’s and the National Post done likewise with Mark Steyn, who wrote for both media outlets for years, and who has also called Chinese “chinks”? Um, no.
“Mark Steyn has a penchant for using ethnic slurs, including “chinks” and “japs” (Spectator, 3/24/01), but he is at his most prolific and poisonous on the subject of Muslims…this is the man who calls Chinese people “Chinks” and Japanese people “Japs.” He calls Indians “wogs.”
How will Maclean’s and the National Post cover the ESPN/Lin story? I can’t wait to see the oleaginous Selley on this dilemma: it’ll be interesting, but likely not inspiring.
Steyn also called Francophones “frogs”. I complained to the National Post at the time. I never got a response.
He’s a great writer, which makes the expression of prejudice all the more bewildering.
Just like any other profession, great writers can be – and often are – jerks too.
I am still blown away by George W. Bush calling the people of Pakistan, Pakis.
Dubya didn’t know better. You have “Iraqis”, why not “Pakies”? That Bush sure burned brightly.
You made my day with “oleaginous.”
You directly accuse Mark Steyn of calling Japanese people “Japs” and Chinese people “Chinks” . Serious stuff! You fail to show this in your links, which if that were true, should justify your accusations. It is a good thing for you Mark Steyn is unlikely to visit your website. Why on earth would he read your thoughless nonsense?
I’d like to see a link to that Spectator article referenced here. I see many mentions (via Google) of it, but nothing that points directly to the piece itself…
We’re not your research assistants. Go to a library.
A trip to your public library might be in order. The old fashioned approach.
You’re right. I am an asshole.