03.07.2012 07:26 PM

Unreal women

I wonder what Her Majesty will think about this, given the interesting Northern Foundation connection?

We shall find out, soon enough.


  1. smelter rat says:

    Good grief. Just when you think the Harpercons can’t sink any lower, they pull through again.

  2. bigcitylib says:

    If we all work together, I bet these guys can be disappointed real quick.

  3. Geoffrey Laxton says:

    Many people I talk to think that Her Majesty doesn’t follow what is going on in Canada. I wouldn’t count on it. Although the reply to this letter seems to say that Her Majesty wouldn’t dismiss our Prime Minister or Parliament based on their abuse of power, I would say that she has ways…


  4. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    Mr. Kinsella….thank-you for drawing this to my attention…..I havent read Xtra or our version out here, XtraWest, for sometime, and had no idea that this was taking place….

    I was planning to recommend a grade school teacher of mine for one of the awards…..and my Con MP’s secretary was on side….
    But appointing “Real Women” to oversee the awards makes a mockery of the whole process……what happens if someone is extremely deserving of Her Majesties Diamond Jubilee medal, but just so happens to be an out feminist lesbian with a female partner and two kids…..Methinks the process will now be skewed against her. Based on what Real Women stands for, perhaps even my teacher(being a spinster), might be excluded.
    Trust the Harper cabal to even politicize Her Majesties Jubilee….
    As an out and proud gay man, AND a Monarchist, I find this reprehensible.

  5. Geoffrey Laxton says:

    Not to detract from this thread, but the Harper Government is about to ram through their omnibus crime bill.. Motive?

    Lobbyists Behind Omnibus Crime Bill Aimed at Privatizing Prisons


    Old news to some, but let’s not take our eye off that ball.

  6. David Imrie says:

    I have been a victim of the hard right within the Catholic Church and I’m fully aware of REAL Women’s connection to The Northern Foundation. In 2000, in a SK Catholic newspaper, The Prairie Messenger, I wrote a letter criticizing parents in North Battleford for their opposition to the local Catholic school divison’s Sexual Education program. Been a while, but in the letter, I noted the connection between REAL Women and former (YEESH!) Liberal MP Rosane Skoke, along with her connection to a front group of the KKK. Well! I received a letter from a North Battleford priest, Father Ben Hermann, telling me I was hellbound and that he would make sure I’d never teach in SK again; a threatening phone call from Campaign Life Saskatchewan (whom I, in turn, threatened with legal action if they continued to harass me). I don’t even want to discuss my time at Winnipeg’s St. Maurice School. The hard right, especially within the Catholic Church, is real, well financed and HATEFUL.

    • MCBellecourt says:

      I, too, have tasted their hate when I was shoved into the Catholic school system when I was a child. I have had my desk and books vandalized, was backhanded by a teacher for objecting to the time some of us would spend warming the benches during phys-ed, etc., etc., etc…but I think being half-Cree might have had something to do with it. There was only a handful of us aboriginal and Metis in that entire school and we all suffered some form of abuse.

      • pomojen says:

        I narrowly escaped that kind of education. But I have heard similar stories.

        I was raised a Catholic, non-practicing now and completely ambivalent about religion or what I believe about anything. But I have a moral compass and it burns me deeply to see people of any faith using faith to defend or justify their hateful and malicious treatment of others. Particularly vulnerable children.

        If I believed in hell or an afterlife I would expect to see them burning and twisting their one day. However, I am not confident of that possibility and it offers me little solace to imagine someone burning in imaginary hell. So I will content myself with the hope that the full realization of what they have inflicted on others suddenly dawns on them well before the time of their passing, in a massive, stunning blow to their psyches. There is nothing so torturous as full awareness of the responsibility you hold for the pain you have caused, without the means to do anything about it or to find comfort in any meaningful way but seek forgiveness with no promise that you will find it.

  7. Michael Behiels says:

    Canadians should be outraged that Harper has politicized Queen Elizabeth’s a diamond Jubilee. She is the Queen of Canada and all Canadians.
    All Canadians should wake up or be humiliated in the eyes of the world.
    There needs to be a national day of protest against Harper’s trashing of the Monarchy in this manner.
    Our beloved Queen will not be amused.

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