I pity the Wildrose Alliance Party. They will be hounded day and night now that this particular group is aware of
Link Byfield’s nefarious association with White Supremacists. I pity anyone who ends up on this group’s shit list!
‘Prytulak also railed against accounts of the involvement of Ukrainians in the attempted extermination of European Jews.
“[W]hy should it be the case that the leading slanderers of Ukrainians are Jewish?” he wrote. “How can it be that Jewish leaders are so prone to lying and have such palpable intellectual shortcomings, and sometimes even remarkable character defects?” ‘
This is an outrageous and viscious statement. The record, sadly, is very clear as there were Ukranians who collaborated with the Nazis. There can be no dispute on this point and it’s up to us now to never let such attempts at re-writing history go unscathed.
It must also be pointed out that Ukranians fought against the Nazis, either as self-organized groupss behind the lines or as part of the Soviet army or even by harbouring Jews to safety.
Underneath all that teapartyish support for Israel which stems from some nutty religious beliefs, if you could see into their hearts, they are all anti-semitic as hell.
Could someone here please provide me with the names and email addresses of some prominent journalists in Alberta?.
I would like to let them know that Link Byfield, first independent Alberta Senator in waiting and current candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party in the forthcoming 2012 Alberta provincial election; attended a meet up back in 1999 with one of Canada’s most notorious White Supremacists, Paul Fromm. They should also be made aware that the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission received a complaint brought by Harvey Kane of the Jewish Defense League against
The Alberta Report and several of its employees, including Link Byfield and his brother Michael; concerning anti-Semitic
articles in thier publication.
Try looking at columnists’ articles in the papers’ websites. I often find the writers’ e-mail addresses in links tucked away in a corner of the article, or at the bottom of the page. The Edmonton Journal and Calgary Herald would be better choices than the Sun chain in both cities. For other cities, there’s the Medicine Hat News, Lethbridge Herald, Red Deer Advocate, or Drumheller Mail. I don’t know where you’re writing from, so I listed these just in case you weren’t familiar with Alberta’s newspapers.
Does the CPC support Wildrose?? Are you serious? Same playbook. Same coaches. Wildrose machine is profligated with CPC people top to bottom. I know, I WAS a CA President in Wildrose. Resigned and cancelled membership in the party. Wildrose is branch office of CPC for experimentation with social engineering. Marciano came from PMO to lay the foundations, now a Senate candidate to get back to the trough.
I don’t know the answer to your question, but it might explain why the Wildroser party has promised to dismantle the Alberta Human Rights Commission.
If they win, she won’t have to; if I heard correctly its Wildrose policy to abolish the Alberta Human Rights Commission…
Well Duhhh.
And there is more Here http://www.canada.com/theprovince/news/story.html?id=5d615927-2a87-433c-87b4-f4d3000cffe4 is more info on Lubomyr Prytulak who Link et al seemed to have little trouble quoting in the Alberta Report.
Is this even news? For real.
I pity the Wildrose Alliance Party. They will be hounded day and night now that this particular group is aware of
Link Byfield’s nefarious association with White Supremacists. I pity anyone who ends up on this group’s shit list!
I am curious about who the HarperCons are supporting?
If it’s Wildrose, it’s more evidence of where the heart and soul of the HarperCons lies and of their agenda.
I read that Tom Flanagan is on the Wildrose election team. Redford is too much a Red Tory for Harper’s liking.
From the article,
‘Prytulak also railed against accounts of the involvement of Ukrainians in the attempted extermination of European Jews.
“[W]hy should it be the case that the leading slanderers of Ukrainians are Jewish?” he wrote. “How can it be that Jewish leaders are so prone to lying and have such palpable intellectual shortcomings, and sometimes even remarkable character defects?” ‘
This is an outrageous and viscious statement. The record, sadly, is very clear as there were Ukranians who collaborated with the Nazis. There can be no dispute on this point and it’s up to us now to never let such attempts at re-writing history go unscathed.
It must also be pointed out that Ukranians fought against the Nazis, either as self-organized groupss behind the lines or as part of the Soviet army or even by harbouring Jews to safety.
Prytulak’s comments, however, are despicable.
Please excuse typos.
Underneath all that teapartyish support for Israel which stems from some nutty religious beliefs, if you could see into their hearts, they are all anti-semitic as hell.
Could someone here please provide me with the names and email addresses of some prominent journalists in Alberta?.
I would like to let them know that Link Byfield, first independent Alberta Senator in waiting and current candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party in the forthcoming 2012 Alberta provincial election; attended a meet up back in 1999 with one of Canada’s most notorious White Supremacists, Paul Fromm. They should also be made aware that the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission received a complaint brought by Harvey Kane of the Jewish Defense League against
The Alberta Report and several of its employees, including Link Byfield and his brother Michael; concerning anti-Semitic
articles in thier publication.
Try looking at columnists’ articles in the papers’ websites. I often find the writers’ e-mail addresses in links tucked away in a corner of the article, or at the bottom of the page. The Edmonton Journal and Calgary Herald would be better choices than the Sun chain in both cities. For other cities, there’s the Medicine Hat News, Lethbridge Herald, Red Deer Advocate, or Drumheller Mail. I don’t know where you’re writing from, so I listed these just in case you weren’t familiar with Alberta’s newspapers.
Does the CPC support Wildrose?? Are you serious? Same playbook. Same coaches. Wildrose machine is profligated with CPC people top to bottom. I know, I WAS a CA President in Wildrose. Resigned and cancelled membership in the party. Wildrose is branch office of CPC for experimentation with social engineering. Marciano came from PMO to lay the foundations, now a Senate candidate to get back to the trough.