04.29.2012 09:45 AM

I will fuck this up, I fucking know it

…after all the good things that have happened so far in April, it’s inevitable. It’s the Irish Catholic Theory of Balance. I’ll explain it sometime.

Anyhow, that lyric is taken from the Menzingers’ newest, ‘On The Impossible Past,’ and it is an extraordinary record. Easily best LP of the year, so far (after SFH, natch). Stand-out tune of the moment, The Obituaries:

We stumble and stare at the carnival lights that lit up New York City,
From the rooftop in Brooklyn that was covered in bad graffiti:
And there, I let a thousand splinters pierce right through my spoiled liver.
Whatever that was left of it.

‘Cuz I cursed my lonely memory with picture-perfect imagery.
Maybe I’m not dying, I’m just living in decaying cities,
But I’m still healthy, I’m still fine,
I’ll be spending all my time readin’ the obituaries.

But I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.
I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.
I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.
I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.

‘Cause I was the shadow of the wax wing, slain.
I felt the false azure from windowpanes.
I am just freaking out. Yeah, I’ll be fine.

But I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.
I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.
I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.
I will fuck this up,
I fucking know it.


  1. james Smith says:

    Thanks, this sounds like a good song to learn. BTW, why does this cover look so familiar? I just can’t seem to put my finger on it…

  2. Michael S says:

    I’m there too, WK.

    Some advice: Those coolers you plug in to the 12vdc? Terrific for chilling a change of clothes on a hot track day (try it!), and for keeping stinky clothes from smelling up the car in summer.

    Just use another one for food.

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