04.27.2012 10:47 AM

What the Ontario PCs have been up to at those Ornge hearings

I have a conflict, so I haven’t said much on this file, other than to occasionally point out the rank, stinking hypocrisy of the Cons and the Dippers.  Or to sue Opposition politicians who smear innocent folks, which I intend to do with increasing frequency.

But this video – of one of the star witnesses the Ontario PCs brought to the circus that is the Ornge hearings – is a must-see.  It is an instant classic. This guy is one of the much-trumpeted PC whistleblowers.  Watch it, and it’ll tell you all you need to know about why the Ontario PCs will never, ever form government.  And, possibly, why the public have lost interest in this mess, which is admittedly a mess.

Oh, and watch at the very end, for what Liberal MPP Zimmer does as he walks away from the hearing table.  It’s perfect.


  1. Cameron Prymak says:

    So the PCs are doing a secret investigation with secret investigators, many or all of whom apparently didn’t know they were part of the investigating team – but do so now.

    I’ll bet they have x-ray glasses, secret spy wrist watches and use invisible ink in their clubhouse too.

  2. Ted B says:

    Maybe they’re using the cone of silence.

  3. Lisa says:

    I bet The Star is suprised to know they are working with the CONS. I don’t know what they are drinking but I’d like some of that!

  4. tfalcone86 says:

    What is the point of public hearings if the information has to be kept secret? And, for that matter, if the star witness for the Opposition can’t relay any evidence that will provide corroborating testimony, what are we supposed to take from this? Why aren’t we letting the OPP conduct the investigation properly so we can catch the crooks?

  5. bob loblaw says:

    I don’t think the witness is really there. Just a hologram.

  6. Jonathan Giggs says:

    I don’t think the public has “lost interest in this mess” at all, or at least not yet. The public will be very interested to hear from Dr. Mazza.

  7. smelter rat says:

    His 3 alias’s are Larry, Moe and Curly.

  8. Gpeter says:

    What does he do at the end? Does he tap his nose?

  9. Geoffrey Laxton says:

    So the guy admitted that he is a con-troll..

  10. Nasty Bob says:

    Obviously he graduated from the Colonel Sam Flagg Investigator Academy !


  11. MacGregrrrr the Terrier-ist says:

    Wow. Our tax dollars in action … or should I say, “inaction”?
    That’s almost as absurd as some of the testimony I heard during the Gomery Inquiry …

  12. deb says:

    wow, is any of that legal:P

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