04.11.2012 05:20 AM

Your morning Robocon: the GOP lends a hand

In at least two Conservative-won ridings with reported election irregularities, Front Porch Strategies had US staff on the ground – possibly against Elections Canada rules barring foreign campaigning. In the wake of the “robocall” voter suppression scandal, the Republican-tied U.S. firm hired by 14 Conservative campaigns admitted on Friday to having had U.S. staff working “in the trenches” during the 2011 elections, in an apparent violation of the Canada Election Act which bars foreign political involvement.

Americans PJ Wenzel and Matthew Parker — director and CEO of Front Porch Strategies, respectively – participated directly in at least two Canadian Conservative campaigns, according to social media updates and a photograph from the successful election campaigns of associate defence minister Julian Fantino and MP Rick Dykstra, immigration minister Jason Kenney’s parliamentary secretary.


  1. Curtis in Calgary says:

    I suppose we can call them “foreign radicals”.

  2. Pat Heron says:

    Does this come as a surprise to anyone?

  3. dave says:

    I think it is part of the USA effort to promote democracy in autcracies and such around the world. The state department down there has a fund for this kindof stuff, – helping foreign peoples learn about freedom and democracy.

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