Woah. Super cool photo. I loved “The War Room” documentary on Clinton’s campaign and am a huge fan of Kinsella too. Would have been pretty neat to sit in on their conversation!
Geez, Warren…..you pictures of late are of pretty poor quality. Taken with goofly looks on your face, or in this case, looking like you all have a case of poison ivy.
Any insider prediction on Obama’s upcoming margin of victory?
I love it. More evidence of the Great International Centrist Conspiracy!
I can see the headline now:
International Coalition Central Planning Workers Party spreads to Canada
Excellent the Liberal War Room for 2015 is now in place. And Warren not participating is NOT I repeat NOT an option – Let the work begin 🙂
Woah. Super cool photo. I loved “The War Room” documentary on Clinton’s campaign and am a huge fan of Kinsella too. Would have been pretty neat to sit in on their conversation!
Geez, Warren…..you pictures of late are of pretty poor quality. Taken with goofly looks on your face, or in this case, looking like you all have a case of poison ivy.
Get a better camera….stop using your phone.
Wow, thanks.
Just trying to help………one follically challenged guy to the next..