Musings —09.15.2012 07:19 AM
—Hits and Misses
Sad to see another record store slip under the waves. Hits and Misses will be missed.
Musings —09.15.2012 07:19 AM
—Sad to see another record store slip under the waves. Hits and Misses will be missed.
Will the new book be available for Kobo?
Think so! Will check.
When Megatunes went under in Alberta it set off all kinds of alarm bells. While I’ve always hoped for the music industry’s chickens to come home to roost, it’s inevitably the small bands and cool independent retailers that suffer first and worst. There’s something to be said for holding physical media in your hand.
Not that there’s anything wrong with iTunes; I’m just cantankerous and getting moreso. I’m going to dig out my cassette of “Sport Fishin'” by Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet that I bought nineteen years ago.