I encourage you to send an Invoice to SMOKIN JOE & Please Don’t Hold Back On The Amount … Cool, Calm & Collected For The Debate Duration Was Smokin Joe Biden.
Seems like Junior Mint Congressman Ryan Tripped Himself Up With His VooDoo Economic Plan.
Watching it, I think that Biden is the better debater. Ryan might be able to recite facts and figures fairly well (from his ideological perspective of course) but is about as charming as a block of wood.
Palin fared better against the same guy, in my opinion.
Joe Biden did seem a tad bit too dismissive of Paul Ryan though, his laughing and grinning seemed disrespectful when it wasn’t really needed.
Sure, I’m biased (and who here isn’t?)…but I found Biden to be smug, condescending and arrogant beyond belief. As the debate wore on it became grating as hell!. Ryan was far more respectful.
On content, the US of A is a financial and economic disaster, and a trainwreck looking for a place to happen. I have a hard time believing anyone trying to either pretend this isn’t so, or defend how they let it get that bad. No budget in 3 years??? C’mon people! If that happened here in Canada, everyone on this forum would be screaming bloody murder for heads to roll!!! To put it mildly!!!
Biden can can get away with the smirks and the laughing, because he’s been around so much longer than Ryan. I think Biden energized the Democratic base. I am confident Obama will come out strong in the next two debates.
Last half of the debate was all Biden. Thought he was aggressive, but not mean-spirited. Glad he stopped laughing at Ryan, that was a bad visual for undecideds (as entertaining as it may have been). Hopefully Obama was taking notes.
There is a certain wide eyed look people fix on you when they are lying or conning you. That’s how Ryan looked to me a lot of the time. I thought Biden was laughing because Ryan statements were so ridiculous. But it wasn’t really a laugh , was it? You know the facial expression you get which looks like a laugh, but isn’t really a laugh when people lie to you and you say, “What?”
Glad to hear it. I come here first for my American debate analysis. Will sleep soundly.
I encourage you to send an Invoice to SMOKIN JOE & Please Don’t Hold Back On The Amount … Cool, Calm & Collected For The Debate Duration Was Smokin Joe Biden.
Seems like Junior Mint Congressman Ryan Tripped Himself Up With His VooDoo Economic Plan.
Great Debate For The White Hats … Man !!
Watching it, I think that Biden is the better debater. Ryan might be able to recite facts and figures fairly well (from his ideological perspective of course) but is about as charming as a block of wood.
Palin fared better against the same guy, in my opinion.
Joe Biden did seem a tad bit too dismissive of Paul Ryan though, his laughing and grinning seemed disrespectful when it wasn’t really needed.
Biden was really strong especially on domestic issues. I hope Obama was taking notes. His emotion was good to see.
Sure, I’m biased (and who here isn’t?)…but I found Biden to be smug, condescending and arrogant beyond belief. As the debate wore on it became grating as hell!. Ryan was far more respectful.
On content, the US of A is a financial and economic disaster, and a trainwreck looking for a place to happen. I have a hard time believing anyone trying to either pretend this isn’t so, or defend how they let it get that bad. No budget in 3 years??? C’mon people! If that happened here in Canada, everyone on this forum would be screaming bloody murder for heads to roll!!! To put it mildly!!!
Biden can can get away with the smirks and the laughing, because he’s been around so much longer than Ryan. I think Biden energized the Democratic base. I am confident Obama will come out strong in the next two debates.
Last half of the debate was all Biden. Thought he was aggressive, but not mean-spirited. Glad he stopped laughing at Ryan, that was a bad visual for undecideds (as entertaining as it may have been). Hopefully Obama was taking notes.
“Aggressive” is shooting someone in the face. It’s been years since a VP has been aggressive.
There is a certain wide eyed look people fix on you when they are lying or conning you. That’s how Ryan looked to me a lot of the time. I thought Biden was laughing because Ryan statements were so ridiculous. But it wasn’t really a laugh , was it? You know the facial expression you get which looks like a laugh, but isn’t really a laugh when people lie to you and you say, “What?”
You can tell that he once worked as a bartender.
Watching that made me grateful that neither of them is president.