10.13.2012 08:56 AM

Hockey Dad lamentation

I am a hockey dad. Forget about this book tour stuff, or politics: I was with Son One at a game on West side of town to almost midnight (we won). Then, up way too early to get Son Two to goalie school on the East side (he’s not bad).

If you are unsure who I am, look for the guy wearing combat pants and boots, leather jacket, and a DOA T-shirt.

Asleep in his truck.

Over and out.


  1. Pat says:

    You have a truck? I never would have pictured you as a “truck guy”.

  2. What a good Dad. Take it from me Warren, one day you will look back on these days (and late nights) as the best times of your life.

  3. Hammer Dom says:

    Saw DOA 2 nights ago here in the Hammer…killer man! Also hit up Justin’s stop here, mentioned you and I were friends. I think he likes you!
    Warmest regards.

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