11.21.2012 10:37 PM


I have 10,000 Twitter followers. Check it out, at @kinsellawarren on the Twitter web thingie.

The 10,000th victim was Kevin Kiley of PEI, whose handle is, er, @KevinKileyPEI. He wins a set of wk.com-branded Ginsu knives, plus an autographed copy of Fight The Right!

This historic milestone was achieved when I was at a meeting of very impressive federal GTA Liberals. I can’t tell you what is going to happen, but I can tell you IT IS GOING TO BE VERY COOL. It may even involve me.

10,000. Wow. I think this Internet thing is catching on.


  1. Mr. Murdoch esq says:

    Big deal! I have three and one up from last week and I have only been twittering for 13 months.

  2. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:

    SFH is composing the “official” theme song for the Ontario wing of the LPC and has secured a “tendered” (wink-wink) sponsorship contract to perform it at all party/Party events across the province. Out of empathy for the provincial wing, rumour is that the entire song is being played using “minor” chords.

  3. John says:

    Mandatory punk rock in the workplace. (?)

    Fingers crossed.

  4. Dennis Hollingsworth says:

    Dear Mister Kinsella, EsQ III :

    I am most dutifully impressed by the Role Model Role to continue to play for me + others of MY ILK, that being those over 55’s (sometimes mis-characterized as Retired Persons) that still have a very formidable role to play, In Determining and Positively Impacting The Future Of This Great Land, Called Canada …

    You are indeed one Super Terrific, Trend-Bending, Kick-Ass Dude … MAN !!

  5. Kevin Kiley says:

    Hey Mr. Kinsella. I haven’t received my autographed copy of Fight The Right! for being your 10,000th Twitter follower. Having said that, I also haven’t received my set of wk.com-branded Ginsu knives, but they seem dangerous so that’s okay. In fairness, you don’t have my address. If I send you my address, do I get the book?

    Best wishes.


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