Musings —11.21.2012 10:37 PM
I have 10,000 Twitter followers. Check it out, at @kinsellawarren on the Twitter web thingie.
The 10,000th victim was Kevin Kiley of PEI, whose handle is, er, @KevinKileyPEI. He wins a set of Ginsu knives, plus an autographed copy of Fight The Right!
This historic milestone was achieved when I was at a meeting of very impressive federal GTA Liberals. I can’t tell you what is going to happen, but I can tell you IT IS GOING TO BE VERY COOL. It may even involve me.
10,000. Wow. I think this Internet thing is catching on.
Big deal! I have three and one up from last week and I have only been twittering for 13 months.
SFH is composing the “official” theme song for the Ontario wing of the LPC and has secured a “tendered” (wink-wink) sponsorship contract to perform it at all party/Party events across the province. Out of empathy for the provincial wing, rumour is that the entire song is being played using “minor” chords.
Mandatory punk rock in the workplace. (?)
Fingers crossed.
Or should that be…
My (stiff little) fingers crossed.
Dear Mister Kinsella, EsQ III :
I am most dutifully impressed by the Role Model Role to continue to play for me + others of MY ILK, that being those over 55’s (sometimes mis-characterized as Retired Persons) that still have a very formidable role to play, In Determining and Positively Impacting The Future Of This Great Land, Called Canada …
You are indeed one Super Terrific, Trend-Bending, Kick-Ass Dude … MAN !!
… allegedly….
Hey Mr. Kinsella. I haven’t received my autographed copy of Fight The Right! for being your 10,000th Twitter follower. Having said that, I also haven’t received my set of Ginsu knives, but they seem dangerous so that’s okay. In fairness, you don’t have my address. If I send you my address, do I get the book?
Best wishes.
My apologies! Send addy to wkinsella at hotmail dot com and it shall be done!