Musings —11.21.2012 11:18 AM
—Alberta and Libs
I’m an Alberta Liberal, and – despite what MacParland says – I totally and completely deplore what David said. It doesn’t reflect Liberal policy or any other Liberals’ view, whatsoever. No ifs, ands or buts. It was the wrong thing to say.
Being a total cynic, I have to wonder at the timing of this. Sure it undermines what JT is trying to do, but also the Liberal candidate in Calgary. Is this the Liberal old guard fighting back against a take-over?
Never underestimate a politician’s ability to say something that is unhelpful.
Kinsella’s Book of Proverbs
timing doesn’t matter IMO. It just became fodder for the Oppositions OPPO teams. Why hand it to them?
Republican kooks talking about rape in the States, Liberal loons trash talking Alberta in Canada.
Good to see that idiots span the political spectrum.
I am so mad. I never liked him just based on looks, now I can’t stand him. Joan Crockatt is having a field day with it, started probably 3 seconds after she heard it. It’s the first thing she’s had to actually campaign on.
This makes me want to give up on the lpc. I can take anything but divisiveness; this means we can’t trust anyone. You can support them until the cows come home, but that is useless if one of them thinks they’re God.
From “Yes Minister”
“Being an MP is a vast subsidized ego-trip. It’s a job that needs no qualifications, it has no compulsory hours of work, no performance standards, and provides a warm room, a telephone and subsidized meals to a bunch of self-important windbags and busybodies who suddenly find people taking them seriously because they’ve go the letters ‘MP’ after the their name.”
That’s quite the political assessment you have, Elizabeth. You don’t like the guy based on looks.
We get the government we deserve, but David a great MP. He eshews those junkets, he avoids the media “conflict machine” when the only purpose is to argue because he finds it unproductive. He has a good out-of-politics experience unlike a certain Prime Minister we have. He does a good job for his constituents. His riding association, at his insistence, gives bursaries to high school students – one for each high school in the riding.
Too bad you don’t like his looks.
JT and Martha Hall Findlay can give all the plattitudes they want to Alberta now. Come election time the LPC will resort to bashing Alberta to win quick easy votes in Ontario and Quebec. It always works.
“Screw the west, we’ll take the rest.”
I was being facetious.
Maybe I shouldn’t have been.
Yikes. Smart guy, bad moment. Locke isnt going to win in Calgary Centre anyways, it looks close but, like the provincial election too many PC’s just cant bring themselves to vote for that kind of radical change.
I’ve read only hte referred to article. I ahve not read evereything McG said. But, from the article, I gather he said that Alberta Conservs are shills for big oil.
As they did with Mulcair mentioning ‘dutch disease,’ twisting that to be a slang at ‘hard working Albert’ns,’ the Conservs have twisted itMcG’s words to claim that McG says Alberta Conservs do not represent Albertans and should not be in the Commons. (Are the Conservs saying that all Albertans are big oil?)
Anyway, the twisiting of it by the Conservs gave them something to be self righteous about in the Commons today, defending freedom and democracy and such; Poilievre was more entertaining than usual today.
Does this help the Green Party candidate in Calgary? (Hard to see Joan claiming she does not represent big oil)
Too bad he resigned. I thought he was a good critic.
No matter what happens Mcg has ended his Federal career. He will be a backbencher for life. Maybe he should switch to Prov Libs
David a stand-up guy. He appologized to the MPs, not for saying it, but because, he says, he was wrong.
No Conservative would do that. Even if one did, he would not resign.
His apology seems genuine, unlike most.