Musings —11.29.2012 08:12 AM
—Beaches East York federal Grit update
Things are getting…interesting in Beaches East York, where I live. Some people, who I won’t identify (for now), are treating the local federal Liberal association as if it were their own. That’s a mistake.
If you believe, as I do, that the Liberal Party of Canada needs to renew and reform itself from top to bottom, then please get yourself signed up – here – to come out and vote at the upcoming AGM. The cutoff to be eligible to vote in the AGM is tomorrow – Friday at 2 p.m.
Does that seem like a ridiculously short timeframe, one that is perhaps designed to keep new folks out, instead of getting new folks in?
Yeah, it seems that way to me, too. So sign up now, and get to that meeting.
This happens frequently. Its a joke.
Geez. I thought the party had its mind set on the road to renewal. Some people apparently did not get the memo — and seemingly are committed to the road to ruin instead…
The only thing I’d add to Warren’s call to sign up and join in time for the AGM is that there are any number of current members in Beaches-East York who may have simply stopped paying attention. Getting those folks out as well is equally important. There will always be the danger that a small group of people may stop listening to others. If it isn’t a new story there’s a good reason why. So what’s the best solution? As many people participating as possible!
If you’re coming, bring a friend. Even if they aren’t currently a member of the party. Even if they haven’t signed up in time – though try to ensure they do. That’s where the future of the party will be found. Not in only a few people attending a pro forma AGM, but in a much larger group with differing opinions and ideas hashing them out together. If we can get back to the point where we can do that constructively and respectfully, we’ll be back to where the Liberal Party needs to be.
I’m one street too west, so fall under toronto-danforth. Otherwise, it would have been a good opportunity to get involved.
the more things change
Don’t these idiots realize this is the reason they are on the outside looking in?
When they learn to put the big picture ahead of their own egos, they’ll have a shot.
There are a number of Liberals in Beaches-East York who want to want to make their riding association stronger so it can work more effectively and reach out to more people in that community. Some say they’re crazy. Perhaps they are. But, as a rather well know company once pronounced. “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ― Apple Inc.
They do not seem to trust those who they do not deem to be ‘Lifelong Liberals’.
Eventually they die off.
“Does that seem like a ridiculously short timeframe, one that is perhaps designed to keep new folks out, instead of getting new folks in?”
In this case it hasn’t worked.
After 30+ years I’ve re-upped.
Now you’ve done it…
The Liberal Party needs to cultivate a culture of “we” instead of “me”……Bob Rae said it best when he stated the Liberal Party suffers from a severe case of “titleitis”……..
It’s one of the main reasons keeping us out of the bigtime…..
Personal fiefdoms dont encourage ordinary folks who would like to be part of the process to get involved…..result……moribund electoral district assn’s.
Good on ya Mr. Kinsella for using your bully pulpit to help change the status quo…..
The Liberal Party — sports fans — simply needs to be itself…and not what it thinks everybody wants it to be. And there’s so much good history to remind the LIberal Party how to get back to it. Period. Full Stop.