11.29.2012 03:22 PM

Cool Canadians on Canada video

…and, without getting into too much detail, I can reveal a family member may or may not have been part of this. Neat, eh?


  1. john morse says:

    This is very cool but there is no oil industry segment. Clearly this is a left wing plot. Indeed, a gigantic plot. A plot that can be linked directly to a comment made by Justin Trudeau (or the current front runner) in his/her early childhood years.

  2. smelter rat says:

    Very cool.

  3. Mr. Murdoch esq. says:

    God damn, it’s a hell of a country!

    Whoever made this vid did a great job.

  4. mrburnsns says:

    Someone needs to do a Canadian version of this video to compliment that one – 33 states and several thousand pictures into 5 minutes.

    Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt-juyvIWMQ

  5. Peter says:

    Well, 65 hours…for two minutes…65 hours is 3,900 minutes…that’s a shooting ratio of 1,950 minutes to one…for two minutes.
    It should be good.
    yeah I know, I’m such a kill joy.

  6. Patrick says:

    Totally lEEt video. Go Canada!

    Truly wicked work by the editor.

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