Musings —11.11.2012 07:13 PM
—Zombie apocalypse
As regulars know, zombies freak me out. I am, however, prepared for the zombie apocalypse, 24/7.
I do not regard this movie as entertainment. It is a documentary.
Musings —11.11.2012 07:13 PM
—As regulars know, zombies freak me out. I am, however, prepared for the zombie apocalypse, 24/7.
I do not regard this movie as entertainment. It is a documentary.
Good gravy, WHY?!
me too…its all I think about!
Zombies would freeze in the winter. That’s why no zombie movie has “winter scenes”. They freeze, you walk around knocking them over.
In the book, people go north hoping the zombies will freeze in the winter. They do, but then they just thaw out again in the spring and carry on!
Dude Love,
You will not last through the first weekend
Dude its why climate change and zombie apocalypse will probably coincide in a short decade;P
Practice here.
Everthing you need to survive the comming hordes
I’ve already begun to write an official letter of complaint to Brad Pitt. Zombies can’t run. Everybody knows that. This is not consistent with the book. They’re frightening enough as it is when they can only move at a slow shuffle. Now I can’t sleep. The zombie moat I constructed around my house no longer seems adequate.
I knew Pitt and his production company would screw this up. The only thing this has in common with the book is the title. I loved the book. I love the genre. This looks like shit.
My girlfriend has seen him undressed, more than once. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
Jon have you ever seen a zombie in real life? I don’t think so. They are fictional characters. It is quite possible that zombies can be real but how would you know if they can run or not? Like I just said they are fictional characters so therefore if a movie production company wanted to make running zombies then they can because there are no hard facts on zombies.