12.05.2012 08:22 AM

Breaking: Star columnist loses mind

Film at eleven.

And people wonder why journalists aren’t successful as politicians.  Wonder no more, etc.


  1. Stew B says:

    Just Walk Om By…

  2. Marc L says:

    Old strategy from Marxists like Walkom — hope that things get so bad that the revolution is just around the corner. Sort of like the old Communist parties jumping for joy at the sight of an economic crisis. Or maybe he’s just become an agent for Mme Marois.

  3. JamesHalifax says:

    Warren….it is the STAR after all.

    No mind required.

  4. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Read and study Delacourt’s work. You’ll change your mind in a flash.

  5. JamesHalifax says:


    Delacourt is just another biased hack. Everything she writes…….is predicatable after the first paragraph.

    To be fair, I do admire Chantal Hebert, though I do suspect she is sometimes a closet seperatist.

  6. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    I can think of at least one person who posts here who would unequivocally put me in the CS camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (And I don’t mean you, James. Ditto for our host.)

  7. Patrick says:

    I happen to agree with Walkom and I loathe Rob Ford. First, Ford is getting dumped for a minor charge (not for the money from lobbyists which I think should get him band for life) and this will just rally his misdirected supporters if there is an election.
    Second, council has figured out how to function in a mayor’s absence and can finish out the term without him.
    Third, the Fords still have a shred of credibility as functional human beings and an extra two years on display should damage them enough to get them turfed from public life for good.
    Really it’s short term pain for long term gain.

  8. Thomas Gallezot says:

    Well, that’s a relief! There is at least one good journalist left at the Star. Mr Walkom you were able to explain exactly what I had in mind but was incapable to articulate in english. Thank you. A new fan.

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