12.19.2012 01:38 PM

Obama on Harper: “a large lump”?

LEONARD: “The Prime Minister is requesting a 15-minute meeting Mr. President.”
OBAMA: “What’s with that guy?”
LEONARD: “Sir?” (coughs)
OBAMA: “He’s shifty…he’s never standing where his voice seems to be coming from.”
LEONARD: “Ummm…”
OBAMA: “And he’s a large lump isn’t he? All pudge and hair.”

Wow. Is this another eagle-kidnaps-baby-in-park moment?

A parody site?

Or a hoped-for moment for progressives across Canada?


  1. Michael S says:

    Parody site!

  2. Dan says:

    Fake site though I believe Ann Coulter could beat Rush Limbaugh in a Movember Moustache challenge

  3. JamesHalifax says:


    I disagree with almost every policy Obama has for the USA (he’ll take them deeper into the tank) but I don’t think he’s so lacking in class he would speak about the Canadian Prime Minister in that tone.

    Obama is a “progressive” of course, but he’s more of a Liberal Progressive. The kind of “progressive” who would speak in such a derogatory manner……is usually an NDP Progressive.

    • Thomas Gallezot says:

      Do you mind providing an exemple of a prominent dipper who speak in such a derogatory manner. Or is it another case of compulsive NDP bashing. If it is, feel free to continue. Each time some liberal indulges in character attack (what else can they do given they have no political, economical or social plateform), our numbers are going up.

      • JamesHalifax says:

        Pat Martin’s predictability is only exceeded by his level of delusion with “What Canadians want”…which seems to be a constant in the NDP’s talking points.

        Strange isn’t it? Apparently, ONLY the NDP knows what Canadians want…..and have not yet realized, Canadians don’t want the NDP.

  4. Others Agree says:

    It’s down, now, but someone on Twitter got a screen shot of it

  5. Ted H says:

    I disagree with your policies James, the US tank is almost entirely of Republican construction.

    • JamesHalifax says:

      Ted H, I don’t defend Republican’s or Democrats…..

      I think the level of partisanship south of the border is far worse than we have here in Canada. Frankly, I don’t care much for either American Party, as I am only concerned with American politics when it directly affects Canada. Which it always does.

      The Republicans are for free markets, which is good for a trading country like Canada, whereas the Democrats are more protectionist, which is bad for Canada. That is the only lens I look through.

      Frankly, I think the Yanks are in dire straits because they don’t have near the choices, or level of debate we have here in Canada.

      They will be heading off the “fiscal Cliff” in short order, and we’re going to feel it here. It won’t be pretty, but it won’t be as dire as the media would have you believe.

  6. James Hanna says:

    While this diplomatic faux pas is disconcerting, I’m much more worried about the escalation of agnostic vs. atheist violence in Sweden.

  7. Bruce A says:

    Poof! The nightmare continues.

  8. Bill MacLeod says:

    Oh good grief! Now I’m totally bamboozled. I cannot decipher whether Warren is writing tongue-in-cheek, nor can I discern whether some subsequent comments are as naive as they appear.

    From the linked website, my favourite snippet is “The Lapine also apologizes to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford for quoting him as saying Vancouver Canucks’ goaltender Roberto Luongo was a “big scaredy wop” for refusing a trade to the Maple Leafs. The Mayor’s office has denied this quote and claims the Mayor actually referred to Luongo as a “big scaredy wimp”. We apologize for any harm to Mr. Ford’s public image this may have caused. “Why would I call him a wop? He’s not Oriental is he?” said Mayor Ford at press time.”

  9. Nic coivert says:

    If its a spoof its brilliant because there’s truth in it.

  10. kre8tv says:

    Even as a fake, this line is pretty astute: “he’s never standing where his voice seems to be coming from.”

  11. Frank Bbender says:

    Obama will be remembered as the black man that America hired to clean up its great ugly mess. He didnt get the job done. Gave him a second chance. Still didnt get the job done.

  12. JamesHalifax says:

    I don’t think Obama will be remembered as the “black man” who didn’t get anything done…he’s trying to do plenty.

    He’ll be remembered as the Socialist, who manged to get all the WRONG THINGS done and left the USA in debt so deep they will never recover.

    • smelter rat says:

      Uh huh. The US is still in debt because of the Bush wars and concurrent tax cuts. But don’t let me interfere with your delusions.

  13. Elizabeth says:

    Damn and blast.

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