12.03.2012 11:33 PM

SFH reviewed in the Star!

Ben Rayner, no less:

• S—t From Hell, Why Do You Hate Me? (Sudden Death). One could easily write S–t From Hell off as a joke band because it’s a punk combo fronted by noted Liberal strategist Warren Kinsella and, frankly, also because its lyrics are damn funny.

The band’s latest, Why Do You Hate Me?, is an enjoyably prickly and authentic throwback to London circa 1977, not to mention occasionally the Hamilton that gave us Teenage Head at around the same time. Kinsella’s sneer could belong to a chap half his age, and his gleefully puerile handling of droll tunes like “Horny Single Mom,” “Jesus Got Wood” and “The Modern Age” (“F— you and your Facebook page” goes the refrain) exudes a contagious joy.

“Even I think we’ve come a long way and we’re better than just a bunch of middle-age f—sticks with guitars,” guitarist Derek Raymaker quipped to me weeks ago. And they are. They play the Bovine on Dec. 1.


  1. JamesHalifax says:

    Geez, Warren,

    After reading that, I wouldn’t mind seeing some of your lyrics on your website. Can’t really understand them when you’re singing, but heck….sounds good.

    “Horny single mom”……

    Showed me the best times when I was in my twenties…….not the song…the subject.

  2. Hammer Dom says:

    This is SO great! Read it Sunday! “Fuck-sticks with guitars” Priceless.ny

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