12.05.2012 08:24 AM

Stick to writing 10,000 words about obscure trials

…you don’t know a damned thing about punk, or punk rock.


  1. Stew B says:

    Just Walk Om By…

  2. JamesHalifax says:

    Well, given the band has never made a record or had a contract, the results speak for themselves.

    Rosie, apparently misses the point……the members of Pussy Riot were screaming out to make a point about Russia under Putin.

    Mission accomplished.

  3. Christian says:

    Why don’t you write a tune for her on your next SFH LP? She probably wouldn’t get it though.

  4. Lux Interior says:

    …and the Cramps come immediately to mind with: ‘You ain’t no punk, you punk! You wanna talk about the real junk? If I ever said, I’d be banned…..

  5. Kaplan says:

    Loved Rosie’s criticism of the band lacking a record deal. Such a criticism would’ve been laughable to any punk band in any era. But now, the notion’s absurd.

  6. Patrick says:

    Rosie, who I enjoy for her cronic self absorbtion, only wrote this article so she could write “three pussies” in the Star without getting censored. A classic feminist assault on unsuspecting minds.
    As for her comments about punk rock, Pussy Riot is exactly what punk is about.
    On a side note, can you imagine the Sex Pistols in the days of the internet? Or the whold punk wave from the beginning recorded – Souxie and Sid and the Lords Prayer legend comes to mind.

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