Musings —12.13.2012 09:51 PM
—Why did Ontario’s PCs attack Pupatello?
…because that, in and of itself, is quite interesting. They issued the limp attack piece below – helpfully edited by Your Humble Narrator – within minutes of Sandra making her Economic Club speech earlier today. They haven’t done that with any other Ontario Liberal leadership candidate. Not one of them.
Why? Because she’s the only one who can beat them, that’s why.
The release, with helpful edits, gratis:
December 13th, 2012
Sandra Pupatello’s Plan for the Economy – BLAH BLAH
QUEEN’S PARK – Sandra Pupatello’s recently released economic policies are not “the plan forward” but rather a “BLAH BLAH BLAH plan” that will not BLAH BLAH BLAH, Ontario PC MPP Monte McNaughton said today.
“Pupatello’s “plan” does not make a single mention of BLAH BLAH BLAH,” McNaughton said. “Ontario families want to see a government that is focused on BLAH BLAH the economy, but BLAH BLAH BLAH Sandra Pupatello.”
“She sat at the cabinet table and BLAH BLAH to BLAH and the BLAH BLAH policies that BLAH BLAH BLAH. Just imagine what Ontario’s economy will look like if she is at the helm of a Pupatello-McGuinty government.”(ED.: well, okay. We like it.)
“Pupatello has BLAH BLAH to fix the economy and her idea of economic recovery is BLAH that the McGuinty Liberals have BLAH BLAH,” said McNaughton. “Today’s announcement demonstrated that Pupatello is BLAH BLAH BLAH. BLAH BLAH with Pupatello at the helm.”
“Sandra Pupatello is BLAH BLAH BLAH. She will be remembered as BLAH BLAH,” concluded McNaughton.
Contact: Christine BLAHjold | (416) 325-1330 |
Question: When you attack someone for the policies that got them elected, where is it going to get you? Especially, when said elections determined that those policies were better than your own, as exemplified by said election result?
Seriously, reality has no business in politics.
“…Ontario PC MPP Mickey McWhoGivesADamn said today…”
Maybe I’m just cranky today but, seriously…who gives a damn what a Monte McWhosits said today? Please. Write a book. Write something intelligent (to intelligent people). Something. For the love of god PLEASE…be worthy of being read…or write nothing at all. The corruption of our political discourse has reached an all-time low, and for McNaughton to be accusing any Liberal (or NDPer) of having “no plan to fix the economy” is to condemn himself and his own party. Note that none of the PC party’s distractions about the LCBO are accompanied by anything remotely similar to a plan to balance the provincial budget, never mind the – impossible – governmental goal of using law to “fix the economy”. Back to school with you Mr. McNaughton….or should I write: bak 2 skul?
The BLAH BLAH bit is a little petty and childish, Warren. Let us at least see what the morons over at the tory camp have to say.
Is that what Joe would do?
Thanks Warren, you’ve improved an otherwise BLAH day!
Monte McNaughton epitomizes everything that is wrong with the Ontario Conservatives. It would bring great joy to my heart for him to lose his seat in the next election.
Talk about Christmas spirit! So nice of you to edit their presser — but as you well know, there is only so much that can be done to “sharpen” their message.
However, assume that you will choose to draw the line when they come up with their next platform. (Even charity has its limits.)