12.05.2012 08:30 AM

Why is this news?

Why was it written?  Why is it being headlined, anywhere? Why are Opposition MPs compelled to comment? Why should anyone care, when this guy hasn’t been near cabinet for years?

Ottawa is crazy.  That isn’t news, either.


  1. JamesHalifax says:

    Check the other tires…….

    Maybe you can find his wallet……

  2. JH says:

    CTV – mickey mouse network to the extreme.

  3. Jim Hanna says:

    Yeah, thats what I thought too…was it that slow a news day?

  4. Bluegreenblogger says:

    Maybe they were trying to imply that the biker-chick girlfirend was gonna pick up a trunkful of,… oh forget it. Some things just aren’t what they aren’t. Isn’t even as newsworthy as ‘Dog bites Man’

  5. Kelly says:

    Anything that demonstrates the incompetence of anyone on the Con bench is alright with me. Were there more important things to cover — like why Canada’s infant mortality rate is worse than Cuba’s and Andorra’s — yes, but you take what you can get.

  6. Kaplan says:

    He’s a Minister of State…so he IS pretty close to cabinet.

  7. smelter rat says:

    Who in their right mind leaves their car keys on the tire EVER, never mind when a TV crew is filming you? That just a special kind of stupid.

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