01.03.2013 06:53 PM

Automated “poll” about OLP leadership race (updated)

Many people are getting called tonight.  The caller doesn’t identify who paid for the “poll,” who is behind it, none of that. But it asks lots of questions about first and second choices, and whether the called are delegates.

Among other things, that sort of “poll” violates several ethical rules of the relevant professional association.

Here’s the poll/robocall, which you can call BogusPoll.

UPDATE: A comment from Ty, speaking for quite a few of us:

I say this as a proud and involved Liberal:

All these campaign calls need to stop. It’s gotten absolutely ridiculous. I’ve been on vacation the last two weeks, and have received two a day that I’ve had to pay roaming charges to receive because they’re GTA numbers.

E-mail me all you want. Allow each campaign one call.

But really, enough is enough.


  1. Ty says:

    I say this as a proud and involved Liberal:

    All these campaign calls need to stop. It’s gotten absolutely ridiculous. I’ve been on vacation the last two weeks, and have received two a day that I’ve had to pay roaming charges to receive because they’re GTA numbers.

    E-mail me all you want. Allow each campaign one call.

    But really, enough is enough.

  2. dstm says:

    Yes I got a “poll call” tonight. And if it wasn’t GK’s voice conducting the poll I will eat my shirt and my LIb membership card.
    Yes I have received numerous calls from candidates. And that is OK ’cause there is a leadership contest going on.
    What I object to are 1) calls from Samantha Nutt 2) GK spinning support for teachers when he was the worst contract negotiator and (ED Minister) ever. 3) Sousa’s smarmy come on and 3) Harider’s strategic and manipulative approach to the “ethnic vote”.

  3. Sean says:

    I believe I’ve been robo called by every camp except S.P.. GK x 3 this week, KW x 2 this week. I’ve also been robo called by several M.P.P.s supporting these two candidates.

    Full disclosure: I am a quiet S.P. supporter. I.E. I want her to be the leader, but I havn’t gone out and sold 2,000 memberships in six ridings and organised slates of delegates etc. etc…

    The only call I’ve recieved from S.P.’s campaign was an invitation to a live town hall meeting, featuring… ahem… The candidate.

  4. Chris says:

    It is insane – I have never, ever before received this many phone calls.

  5. Chris says:

    Thinking of throwing my name in as a delegate, is it something that would be worthwhile?

    Seems like a pricey weekend as I would be coming from out of town.

    • Sean says:

      Yeah its pricey, but these things tend to be a hell of a lot of fun if you are a political junkie. I’ve been to two Leaderships and about a dozen other conventions. Good party, good people, high drama, its a hoot! Make sure you get in touch with the campaign you want to support, so that you can work with others in your riding!

  6. James Smith says:

    I’ve been working at home over the holidays. I don’t know how many calls I’ve received, but it’s enough that my dear wife is complaining. The ONLY LIVE PEOPLE I’ve received calls from were from Ms W’s people early on, Mr TAKHAR’s today & Ms P’s people soon into the campaign- but not in time to invite me to see her when she was here in Burlie I may add.

    With the exception of Ms P, I’m getting robo calls all the time from ALL the other candidates.

    I don’t mind folks calling me & asking me what I think & what woman I think would make the best leader. What I mind is this. I am not unknown to the Liberals in Burlie, I have been an ABC member since the 1980’s for example & I’ve been involved in EVERY job one can do over the years. What ever happened to personal contact? I’ve not got a call from a local person asking if I’ll vote XY or Z, what gives?

    As much as I like Ms P & will be voting for her, I’m 13mm away from saying a pox on all your houses. BTW, I like Ms W’s but her taking over of our Christmas Party convinced a LOT of Liberals she will NOT be our choice.

    • Michael says:

      I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that it is a short campaign, made even shorter by the holidays. I don’t think any of the campaigns are as organized as they would like to be. I am an ex-officio delegate and have been getting calls asking me if I would run as a delegate from more than one campiagn.

  7. dave says:

    Why not call? Calls/robo calls seem to lead to success federally, especially the ones that are hard to trace.

  8. Susan MacIsaac says:

    I get two to three calls a day, its beyond annoying. I have a home office line as well where the same thing is happening.

    Likewise, i have had calls to be a delegate from more than one campaign. Unprofessional.

  9. Paul says:

    I signed up a small number of people to their local riding associations so they could vote in the Election meetings, and perhaps be delegates if they so chose. All of them were 20 somethings getting involved in party politics for the first time: i.e. long time voters for the Liberals, but never carried a card. I can honestly say, the constant onslaught of calls and generally relentless level of pressure has turned many of them off. In this day and age it seems like there are far better, and less intrusive, ways of contacting people than phoning them. Especially for the under 30 crew, who are giving cell numbers as they don’t have a home phone.

    Also, while not every candidate is at a GK level of bother, I will submit that I’ve had at least a call a week from each candidate, even after I let them know my voting intentions.

  10. Mom says:

    The calls are driving my family (non-politicos) crazy and it is really a bit much. I noticed that the robocall last night coincided with the time that there was supposed to be a Town Hall call for a certain candidate. I wondered if they were trying to cut off the call from the town hall….But am hoping it is staying clean. I went and saw the Hobbit instead….

  11. Rene says:

    I’ve solved this problem completely. I signed up for ABC back when I lived with my parents. Seems that the info they are pulling from is based on that old list (at least 10 years old) so my parents have been getting all the calls and I have gotten none.

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