01.21.2013 01:25 PM

Harinder vs. Brown Envelopes

I don’t know where this anti-Harinder crap is coming from – although, based on who is retweeting it, I have a few well-founded suspicions – but let me say this:

It isn’t working, Anonymous Campaign Dirty Tricksters. It’s engendering sympathy, not antipathy. It’ll backfire on you.

Just watch.


  1. Michael S says:

    Two hatchet jobs from The Star? My my, someone is very afraid.

  2. James Smith says:

    This will really piss me off if it’s coming from within the party

    • Warren says:

      Dude, that’s where it’s coming from. Watch the obvious suspects on Twitter. It’s revealing.

      • James Smith says:

        If these rats win, a number of folks I know will sit on our hands provincially for a long time. I’ve been an ABC member since it started, I won’t be. Shameful.

  3. Dan says:

    The headline doesnt help, (though it certianly grabs readers). At least the Star had the decency to poitn out that, Takhar isn’t involed in the day to day operaitons; it is in a blind trust; the wokring conditions have steadily improved and that there are currently no stop work orders.

    But the tone of the article implies guilt, where I see a success story of turning aroudn a local, failing business that was unsafe for workers.

  4. Matt says:

    Aside from the obvious of it being a spoon-fed piece and a silly thing to do from somewhere in another candidates cadre it’s pretty disappointing The Star sees it as fit to print. Those guys have become a total mess in taking stories from other places and running with them these days. Quite obviously the paper of Pierre Burton, Trent Frayne and Hemingway are LONG gone… the paywall should help generate revenue to help them…or not…

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