01.22.2013 09:01 AM


I will miss her a lot.

It was a host-guest thing at the outset, but then we became good friends.  She brought the fledging network plenty: she was a journalist, with a journalist’s impatience for bullshit, and she was far less interested in opinion than in telling a good story – which is what the best journalism is all about.  She was smart, and she knew what she was doing.

I am very confident she will go on to do great things on the other side of the pond.  And that she will be back, as an even-bigger name, in no time at all.


  1. Michael S says:

    Given the stability of Sun TV it seems like she’s the smartest of the lot.

  2. Morley Bolero says:

    She didn’t seem to have much respect for the arts or artists.

  3. smelter rat says:

    The interview was out there for all to see. Didn’t seem too respectful to me.

  4. MattE says:

    Can’t tell if sarcasm…

  5. Kelly says:

    Serial hypocrisy. The entire Sun edifice is phony. Anti-tax but Hoovers tax dollars. Flacks for all things free market but can’t compete therein. It should be funny but it’s just kinda sad. Good for Krista; she’ll probably employed next year. As for most of her former colleagues I wouldn’t bet on it.

    • Warren says:

      I sense that you may not be a regular viewer.

      • bluegreenblogger says:

        Lol, I don’t think there are more than half a dozen of them. Regular viewers that is. The product doesn’t sell, which I guess is why they need an Army of lawyers to force their product down consumers throats.

  6. Jim Hayes says:

    Warren, other than you and Krista there was little to respect at Sun. It still boggles my mind that one of its top hosts is quite rightly being investigated on hate promotion charges. Any self respecting network would never have stood for that racist rant and fired the offender. That would have probably eased the concerns of the offended community and not led to criminal action which was their last resort.

    • Doug Fisher says:

      What racist rant?! That Indians should be accountable for the money that they get (like the rest of us)? That the system in place is not working for natives? That everyone should be equal under the law? If this is your idea of racism then I think you need to revisit your dictionary. It is easy to accuse someone of racism… You’re racist! See, easy. So back up your words and give me an example of this so called racist rant! I bet you can’t.

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