Musings —01.02.2013 10:30 PM
—Sen. Nancy Ruth is heard from again!
…she’s come out in support of an OLP leadership candidate. Which, now that I’m back in Ontario, got me thinking about one of her other public statements…
Musings —01.02.2013 10:30 PM
—…she’s come out in support of an OLP leadership candidate. Which, now that I’m back in Ontario, got me thinking about one of her other public statements…
Boids of a feather, etc….
Kinda like Craig Chandler endorsing Jim Prentice after he was dropped from the ballot in the 2003 PC leadership race….the endorsement didnt do Mr. Prentice any favours…..
I’m having flashbacks to his Convention speech. Two parts terrible, one part awkward.
And people were probably assuming the next federal cabinet meeting would be a snooze. To be a fly on the wall and all that.