01.12.2013 01:23 PM


…apparently the post below left a few folks, well, confused and hurt. My sincerest apologies to everyone I have ever offended, everywhere, at any time.


1. I remain a supporter of the Ontario Liberal Party.

2. I remain a supporter of Sandra Pupatello.

All I said was I won’t be in the next OLP war room, for Chrissakes. Everyone take a Valium.

Over and out.


  1. Michael S says:

    You moving back to 613?

  2. Bloody Bounder says:

    Warren Kinsella for the next Mayor of Toronto!

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Got it. Understood. I will, provided you don’t.

  4. Brad Young says:

    Please do something to help the federal party get rid of our sociopath prime minister.

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