Musings —02.16.2013 09:19 PM
—We get letters: anti-Warren constitutional amendment imminent
From Rob Cameron, at
Trudeau the first not harmful enough? Now, the not so bright son thinks he merits the highest office in the land. God help Canada. People like you, lawyers, should be prohibited by Constitutional Amendment from having anything to do with governance or public policy. You are a disgusting leftover Liberal cretin.
Oh boy, spell checker was working real well for Rob Cameron.
I think he probably meant “Chretien Liberal”.
Cool, you get your own constitutional amendment. Quebec’s going to be so jealous.
The real question. Would this require the consent of all ten provinces, or just the 7/50 formula?
And then there’s this about comment trolls:
Yeah, yeah, a constitutional amendment to ban lawyers. What an idea. Can you image banning a bunch of ambulance chasers by constitution decree? Uh,,,,,…….
Can I get a second on that?