03.27.2013 01:26 PM

Canada Live: plummeting polls, cranky caucus – what Harper needs to do


  1. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    No one would be happier than I to see the Conservative Party ripped asunder by open internecine warfare between the PMO and his (up to this point) bound and gagged backbenchers…..
    Hopefully Dear Leader doesnt follow your advice…..
    The Florida tan looks good on you, btw…..

  2. Larry says:

    Longtime new democrat here. Please don’t tell anyone. I’ve signed up as a Liberal supporter. I see Trudeau as the best hope to knock off Harper.

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    This Prime Minister can get a narrative but that means pulling a whopper –something that Canadians will remember long after he is out of power and say: yeah, Harper did that. The PM hasn’t yet realized that a series of FTAs won’t cut the mustard. Preston had it right when he said “Think Big!” I guess Harper was taking a bathroom break when that line was delivered. He can prove me wrong by working on First Nations Self-Government or getting Quebec’s signature on the constitution. Nothing’s bigger. (But he won’t.)

    As for caucus, we both know that they are polling furiously (as usual). If it’s as bad as we suspect, Harper won’t wait long to take action. Read expulsion from caucus if certain MPs don’t clam up, pronto. If it’s recoverable, in their estimation, he will not resort to that. Under the latter scenario, they will stick with PMO intimidation as their usual means of friendly persuasion.

  4. MCBellecourt says:

    “Friendly Persuasion”, huh? Okee dokee, how many broken chairs does that translate to? And how big the bill?

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